On the first day, it was dark, and in the inconspicuous corner, there were black shadows moving. A closer look turned out to be a gecko.
I studied it carefully: Gecko is dark brown, with a triangular mouth on its oval head and protruding eyes, showing its fierce face. The body is long and cylindrical, with four short feet on both sides of the abdomen, many fine hairs on the feet and a tapered tail. Although it was dirty around, it didn't move.
The next day, I saw a lot of flying insects around, and the gecko had been spying. So how does it prey on flying insects?
Suddenly, a flying insect flew in front of the gecko, and the little tiger stretched out its amazing long tongue with lightning speed. As soon as the tongue touches the body of the flying insect, it turns in circles, and the flying insect suddenly becomes the dinner of the gecko. I was startled by it. It is said that gecko's tail will fall off when it is in danger. I don't know if this is the case.
On the third day, I found a gecko. When it didn't move, I put a stone on its tail. The gecko pulled a few times first, but it didn't work. There is only a tail left under the stone. I took the stone aside and my tail jumped up at once. I thought: this must be a skill that gecko evolved in nature. Tails are "prey" that attract each other in danger and escape by themselves.
Gecko, there are so many secrets, but it is discovered.