No worries

The book of Proverbs says, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and does not add anxiety.” However, our lives are not necessarily rich, but we often have worries. Why is this?

Speaking of blessings, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? Most people's first thought most of the time should be related to money. For example, if you have too much money to spend, you don’t have to worry about money in this life, and so on. This is probably what people call blessing! So, what does the blessing mentioned in the book of Proverbs look like? I can tell you for sure that it is definitely not what people think. Don’t think that as soon as you see the word “rich”, you have more than enough wealth to use as you please. "Abundance" means richness and abundance, contentment and contentment. This “richness” means that the blessing God gives you is peace and contentment. You must have a contented heart to thank God.

The blessing given by God is to enable us to live and work in peace, and more importantly, to give us peace in our hearts, so that we can face any environment with stability and joy. The blessing given by God is a carefree life, because He has taken on all our difficulties and worries.

The blessings God bestows are not accompanied by worries. But in today's world, many people's hearts are deeply pierced by worries.

As soon as you open your eyes every morning, you have to think about what to eat and go to work as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be late and will be deducted, there will be traffic jams on the road, and a lot of other things will make you worried and uneasy.

The child has to go to school (or kindergarten) and has to pay the fees; the wife wants to buy something (or the husband wants to change his mobile phone), can he get the money together? If the elderly are not in good health (or are approaching their birthday), all this will cost money.

When the time comes, you have to pay back your house loan, car loan, or even mobile phone or other loans. No, that’s not enough! Living a life of slavery.

Money, money, money, every day when you open your eyes, it revolves around money. Modern life is inseparable from money, and money ties people up.

Everyone’s life is in a hurry and full of irritability and urgency. In people’s hearts, there are concerns about children and loved ones, worries about work, worries about financial pressure, and too many thoughts. The only thing they don’t have is God and the peace given by God.

Man is pierced by worry. Why can't we have a peaceful and happy life? Because people do not know the Lord God; even the children who are called by God’s name are enslaved by the world because of their lack of knowledge and their inability to obey God’s teachings.

The Lord teaches us in the Bible, “As long as we have food and clothing, we must be content” (1 Tim. 6:8). However, human greed is not like this. In most places now, it can be said that as long as you are willing to work, you never have to worry about food and clothing. What are people worried about? It is a comparison with others and a desire to be better and have a better life. Just say travel! In the past, it was very common for people to go out on foot, but if people want to be faster and more relaxed, they want to buy a bicycle; now almost no one wants a bicycle; those who have electric vehicles feel that they are not as good as cars; those who have cars still want luxury. Cars; not only what you can afford, but also what you can't afford with a loan, how can you not be enslaved, how can you be relaxed and happy? Similar things abound. In fact, people's worries are their own greed. “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. For those who covet money are led away from the faith and pierce themselves with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10). This is the life of a person who has no peace, no happiness, and is entangled in worries and troubles!

A person's life will not always be calm. When real troubles come that are beyond our ability, we should not be anxious and uneasy. We must learn to hand over our worries and difficulties to the Lord God who loves us. I have also been trapped in the whirlpool of sorrow, and the pain in my heart cannot be described, and there is no help. The hymn says, The Lord is my help, my help comes from the Lord. But why can't I get help? It turns out that I don’t know how to surrender, I don’t want to surrender, I can’t surrender, I don’t dare to surrender. At the same time, I don’t know how to rely on myself, I don’t dare to rely on myself, I don’t want to rely on myself. Therefore, I carry a heavy burden and worry about things and the future.

1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on God, because He cares for you.” Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its worries; one day's troubles are enough." The teachings of the Bible have always been here, but I have never understood it, and I also Not relying on God. And you?

The blessing God bestows on us is the freedom from worry. Come, let us cast all our difficulties and worries on God and enjoy the blessing of peace and contentment given by God.