2. Law: code of hammurabi, the earliest systematic written code in the world.
3. Architectural Miracle: Hanging Garden, Babel
4. Calendar: Lunar calendar. In this calendar, Sumerians used the law of the moon's gain and loss to set a year as 365 days, divided it into 12 months, divided a day and night into 12 hours, and used leap months for the first time, and set 7 days as a week.
5. Mathematics: Mastering the four operations of fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, and solving quadratic equations with one variable.
Of course, there are two most important inventions, one is the invention of decimal method and hexadecimal method, and the other is to calculate the value of π to be approximately 3.
Extended data
The kingdom of Babylon (about 3500 BC-729 BC) is located in the Mesopotamian plain, roughly in today's Iraq.
About 5000 years ago, people here established a country, and by the eighth century BC, the Kingdom of Babylon appeared here.
"Mesopotamia"-the Bible calls it "Eden", which is an ancient Greek word meaning "the place between the two rivers", so it is also called the valley of the two rivers.
"Two Rivers" refers to the Euphrates River and the Tigris River.
On this plain, few cities in the world developed at that time, and the earliest epics, myths, pharmacopoeias, farmers' yearbooks and so on. It is one of the cradles of western civilization.
There are hanging gardens, but they are all ruins.
The Kingdom of Babylon is one of the "four ancient civilizations" (the "four ancient civilizations" are ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient China).
The significance of the three ancient civilizations lies not in the chronological order, but in the fact that they are the origins of modern civilization.
The ancient Babylonian civilization is an important part of the civilization in the two river basins, including Sumerian civilization, Akkadian civilization, Assyrian civilization and other important parts.