Young people should be brave, not timid, and should be proactive, not complacent. This spirit, although there are twenty generations, is even worse for people in their sixties. When you are old, you may not be old. If you lose your ideal, you will be old.
Years are long, and aging only reaches the skin; Give up enthusiasm and decadence will reach the soul. Worry and panic, self-distrust bows the heart and turns people to dust.
No matter how old you are, whether you plan to be 28 or 28, there is curiosity in people's hearts, and the joy of life is as naive as a child. In the center of everyone's heart there is a wireless station, so long as it receives signals of beauty, hope, joy, courage and strength, it will last forever.
If the antenna goes down, your spirit is covered with ice and snow, and you are cynical and self-defeating, even at the age of 20, you are old! However, as long as you put up your antennas and catch waves of optimism, you will die young at the age of 80.
It's so well written! ! !