You can use the memory curve rules to remember.
Methods to improve memory:
1. Memory must have a clear purpose. Practice has proven that, with other conditions being equal, if there is a clear purpose of memory, the memory will be long-lasting and strong, whereas otherwise it will be short-lived and weak.
2. In an experiment to check memory, students with roughly the same memory were divided into two groups and then watched a video. Among them, the students in Group A were given clear reminders in advance and most of them were able to find several errors in the video. However, the students in Group B had no clear purpose and their memory was significantly lower than that of Group A. ?
3. Have a strong interest in memory. Interest is the catalyst that enhances memory. A person will have a highly concentrated attention and observation ability towards the information and objects he is interested in, and will be more mentally excited. Students who are interested in geography will be very familiar with the map of Iraq, as well as its topography and surrounding environment due to the attraction and attention of the Iraq War.