Words and sentences: Use monologue to make sentences (about 30)

Monologue Pinyin: du bai

Monologue explanation: In dramas and movies, characters express their personal emotions and wishes alone.

Soliloquy in a sentence: 1. It is said that this is the first time that we can look into the soul of this great man. He wrote a long series of monologues in "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet" and the love story " sonnet".

2. On the screen, a shadow danced - this shadow wore huge shoes on its feet, and had a weird smile on its face that looked like Hamlet's final soliloquy.

3. When they describe Capote's excited monologue, you can seem to see Capote crossing his legs and waving his arms on the beige cloth sofa, as if he was directing himself The same movie.

4. We see him trying to perform Richard III's "Winter of Troubles" monologue for an amateur comedy company.

5. Dialogue sets the pace, and pages that lack any overlaying monologue must move quickly away.

6. We now understand this when we read poetry. To us all poetry is a dramatic monologue based on the model of Browning and others in the nineteenth century. .

7. This role also requires him to recite long monologues, and they are expressed in Hoover's unique rapid rhythm.

8. You have to rely on your own inner monologue (or intuition) to make more and more important decisions.

9. Communicate with the audience Giving a monologue-style speech puts the entire pressure on you, including conveying the message and adjusting the atmosphere.

10. Use a tape recorder to record conversations with your friends, or record your own elegant speeches or monologues.

11. It’s amazing how we communicate through all our senses, through facial expressions; through silent gestures, through monologues, and even through conversations.

12. Logue is unwilling to indulge his patient's ego, while Bertie always thinks his doctor is a charlatan until a breakthrough involves Hamlet's soliloquy and a tape recorder.

13. Likewise, pronunciation skills improve your inner monologue when reading.

14. The effect is almost psychotic, suggesting three or four internal monologues struggling with broken emotions.

15. Some of the best parts of "Holland" are Chuck's monologues about politics and culture, delivered while Hans is driving him.

16. Then another gorgeous bridesmaid grabbed the microphone and delivered a touching monologue filled with funny anecdotes and inspiring Thai sayings.

17. Because other people’s voices are present in our heads, we may confuse them with our own inner monologue.

18. He was new to English literature and recited Hamlet's soliloquy with great enthusiasm.

19. Social media is not a monologue or a simple dialogue, it is a three-party discussion.

20. If I want to recall a poem, I have to read it out loud; if I want to recall a drama class monologue, I have to act it out completely.

21. Maybe the end of season 8 will end with housewives lying dead on the street, just like Mary Alice said in a tea towel monologue.

22. In the first 5 minutes of the movie, there are only monologues broadcast on the holographic bulletin board, and in the first 20 minutes, there are only dialogues between Eva and Wall-E.