2.burst? [b? : ST] VI., n. Sudden occurrence, burst
3.dispose vi. Get rid of; Disposal; Solve; Deal with (of)
4. blast n. explosion; Air flow vi. Blow up
5. Consume v. Deplete
6. Split [split] v. Split; Split a. Split
7.spit [sp? T] v. spit (saliva, etc.); Spit
8.spill [sp? L] v. overflow, spill, pour out
9. slip v. slide, slide down; Ignore
1. Slide [Slaid] v. Slide, slide n. Slide; Sliding surface; Slide
11.bacteria [b? k'ti? ri? Bacteria
12. Breed n. Species v. Reproduction, littering
13.budget ['b? d? Make a budget and make arrangements
14.candidate ['k? Ndideit] n. Candidate
15.campus ['k? mp? S] n. campus
16. liberal a. generous; Abundant; Free
17. transform v. change, change; Transform
18. transmit v. spread, broadcast; Pass
19.transplant [tr? Ns' pl ɑ: nt] v. transplant
2.transport vt. transport, transport
21. shift v. transfer; Turn; Change
22.vary ['v? Ri] v. change, change; Diversify
23.vanish ['v? ni? [p > 24. swallow v. swallow 25. swallow [s? s'pi? N] n doubt
26.suspicious[s? s'pi? S] a. suspicious
27. Mild [maild] a. warm, warm; Mild
28. tender a. gentle; Vulnerable
29. Nuisance ['nju: SNS] n. Damage, hinder, hate (people or things)
3. Insignificance A. Meaningless, insignificant; Worthless
31.accelerate [? k'sel? Reit] vt. accelerate
32. absolute a. absolutely, unconditionally; Complete
33.boundary ['baund? Ri] n. boundary
34. brake v. brake (car)
35.catalog ['k? t? l? G] n. catalogue v. cataloguing
36. vague [veig] a. vague
37.vain [ve? In vain
38.extinct [iks'ti? Kt] A. Extinct
39. Exorbitant [iks 'tr? :din? Ri] a. unusual
4. extreme a. extreme [p>41.agent['eid? Nt] n. agent; Motivation, reason
42.alcohol ['? lk? h? L] n. Alcoholic drinks, alcohol
43. Apparel [?' Pi:l] n./vi. Appeal, entreat
44.appreciate [? 'pri:? Pay attention to
45. approve v. approve
46. stimulate ['stimjuleit ieit] vt. stimulate
47.acquire [? 'kwai? Get [get] vt. Learn
48. Complete vt. Implement
49. net work n. mesh; Broadcasting network, television network; Network
5. tide [tide] n. tide; Tide
51. Tidy A. Neat
52.trace [treis] vt. :t? Torture
54.wander ['w? nd? Wander about
55.wax [w? Ks] n. wax
56. weave [wi: v] v. weave, edited
57.preserve [pri'z? : v] v. protect, preserve, maintain
61. abuse v. abuse; Abuse
62. Academic A. Academic; Of institutions of higher learning;
63. academy n. (higher) college; Learn
64. battery['b? t? Ri] n. battery (group)
65. barrier['b? ri? ] obstacles; Shed
66. Cargo n. Goods (loaded by ships, planes, etc.)
67. career[k? 'ri? ] n. career, occupation
68. vessel ['vessel] n. vessel vessels; Blood vessels
69. vertical['v? :tik? L] a. Vertical
7. oblige[?' blaid? Force v. to oblige; Make grateful
71. obscure a. obscure
72. extent n. degree, scope, size, limit
73. exterior[eks'ti? ri? External [ik 'st] p>74. external [ik'st? : nl] a. external, outward
75. petrol ['petr? L] n. gasoline
76. petroleum [pi'tr? uli? M] n. petroleum
77. delay vt./n. delay
78. decay vi. decay
79. decay a. decent
8. route n.; Route; Route
81. Ruin ['ru: in] v. Destroy [pl.] Ruin
82. Sake [seik] n. Reason
83. satellite ['s? t? Lait] n. satellite
84. scale [skeil] n. size; Grade; Scale
85. Temple n. Temple
86.tedious ['ti:di? S] A. boring road, monotonous,
87. tend vi. Easy, tend to
88.tendency ['tend? Nsi] n. Trend
89. Ultimate A. Extreme
9. Undergo V. Experience, suffering from
91. Abundant A. Abundant, abundant, and a large number of
92. Adopt V. Adoption; Adopt; Adopt
93. adapt vi. Adapt vt. to
94. bachelor ['b? t? l? ] bachelor's degree; Bachelor
95. casual ['k? ju? L] a. by chance; Temporary; Informal
96. trap [tr? Trap v. Set a trap to catch
97. Vacant a. Empty
98. vacuum ['v? kju? M] n. vacuum cleaner
99. oral ['? :r? L] a. oral
1. optics ['? Ptiks] n. (single and plural isomorphism) optics
11. organ ['? :g? [n] n. Organ
12. Excess ['ekses] n. Excessive
13. Expel [iks' pel] v. Expel
14. Expel v. Consumption
15. ] n. expenditure, consumption; Expenditure
16. Expense n. Expenditure
17. Expensive a. Expensive; Expensive
18. expand v. expand, expand; Expand
19. expansion[iks'p? n? N] n. expand, expand; Development, expansion
11.private a. Personal
111.individual a. Individual
112.personala. Personal, private; Personally
114. personnel[? p? :s? Nel [collectively] personnel, employees; Personnel department
115. the Pacific Ocean
116. the Atlantic Ocean
117. the Arctic Ocean
118. the Antarctic Ocean antarctic ocean
119. grant[grɑ:nt] vt. Grant, consent, grant < Nd] a. grand, magnificent, and significant
12. Invade [in' veid] v. invade, invade, invade
121. acid['? Sid] n. acid, acidic substance a. acidic; Sharp
122. acknowledge v.; Acknowledgement
123. balcony['b? lk? Ni] n. Balcony
124. calculate vt. Calculate
125. calendar['k? l? nd? ] n. Calendar
126. Optimal A. Optimistic
127. Optional A. Optional
128. Outstanding A. Outstanding, outstanding, remarkable
129. export['eksp? : t] n. export (object) v. export, output
13. import n. import (object) v. import, input
131. import [im 'p? Uz] vt. strengthen (on); Adopt, use
132. religion, religious belief
133. religion [ri 'lid? S] a. religious
134. victim ['viktim] n. victim
135. video n. TV, video a. TV, video
136. videotape['vidi? U 'teip] video tape v. Record ... on a video tape
137.offer [?' Fend] v. offend
138. Both ['b] v. disturb, trouble
139. interfere[? int?' fi? ] v. interfere with
14. Internal A. Internal
141. beforehand ad. In advance,
142. racial[? int? 'fi? ] a. racial
143. radiation[? reidi'ei? Radiation
144. radical['r? dik? L] a. fundamental; Radical
145. range [rein? Range v. Change (within a certain range)
146. Wonder n. Wonder v. Want to know, wonder about ...
147. isolate['ais? Isolate
148. issue['i? Ju:] n. a problem, a point of contention; Issue, (newspaper) issue
149. hollow['h? l? U] a. empty road
15. hook vt. hook
151. Adequate a. appropriately; Enough
152. adhesion VI. adhesion,