Is "Messiah" related to the Savior? What's the meaning?

Every spirit that recognizes that Jesus is the Christ incarnate is from God. From this you can recognize the Spirit of God. Every spirit that does not know Jesus is not of God, but is the spirit of the Antichrist. ” (1 John 4:2, 3)

The purpose of writing 1 John

“The purpose of John writing 1 John is to remind the church of Christ to beware of false prophets and enemies. The spirit of Christ is the spirit of error that has penetrated into the church. It is historically called the heresy of Gnosticism.

The heresies that John targets are some forms of this doctrine - Crean. These heresies believe that knowledge is a condition for salvation and is more important than faith and behavior. Matter is evil and the spiritual world is good. Not only that, they also believe that since the physical body belongs to matter, God can never be. Incarnation, the body of Christ is a projection of the spiritual world (phantom theory) or the spirit of Christ actually came to Jesus when he was baptized and left him before his death (Clintonism). The apostle John was aiming at this. These errors led to the writing of 1 John to teach believers to discern the true way." (Bible Commentary - Evangelical Publishing House)

Understanding the Messiah - Jesus

Jesus is the Lord of the Old Testament. God became a sinless human being, and his name was Jesus (Joshua in Hebrew). He was the Messiah prophesied by the Old Testament prophets who would come to save Israel and the Gentiles.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Palestine two thousand years ago. He was a Jew and belonged to the tribe of Judah. His father's name was Joseph and his mother's name was Mary. Jesus lived in Nazareth for thirty years, learning all the Jewish laws and rituals. After he was thirty years old, he came out to preach and traveled throughout Galilee, Samaria and Judea, preaching the gospel of forgiveness of sins and repentance.

When Jesus was thirty-three years old, he was killed at the hands of Pontius Pilate and crucified on Mount Golgotha ??in Jerusalem. Jesus was buried in the rich man’s tomb, but on the third day He was physically resurrected and is now seated in heaven at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will come back a second time in the future. The first time He came to the world, it was to save the Jews and sinners all over the world, but when He comes the second time, He will no longer save, but will judge all nations and peoples.

Jesus is God, and He and the Father are one. Jesus was a human being and had earthly parents, but he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary, who was not yet married when she was pregnant with Jesus. Mary had original sin from Adam, and so did her father Joseph, but Jesus did not, because Jesus was not born through the physical intercourse of his parents, but was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary as mentioned before. Therefore, he has no parents and human ancestors - Original sin from Adam. Because Jesus did not have the original sin of Adam, He could do the work of redemption for all sinful mankind.

Jesus used his sinless flesh to become a sin offering for all of us who are sinful. Therefore, all sinful people in the world, including Jews and Gentiles, can have their sins forgiven through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only person in the world who is sinless, and therefore Jesus is the only one in the world who can be the Messiah for both Jews and Gentiles. There is no other way of salvation in the world except Jesus.

Jesus is not only the only sinless person, He is also the only person who rose from the dead. Because of His resurrection, Jesus is still alive today, interceding for us at the right hand of the Father, so that both Jews and Gentiles on earth can accept God’s salvation so that they can stand boldly before the great white throne in the future. Accept God’s judgment.

The only way for people to be saved is through the simplest belief that Jesus is the Messiah, not through merits and deeds, let alone knowledge, religion and philosophy; because of the forgiveness of sins , Man's salvation cannot be based on human ideas, but must obey and accept God's method of salvation ordained for man.

John was a Jew, and he knew that the Jews wanted to be saved by keeping the law, but like the apostle Paul, he explained in the Bible that salvation does not depend on the law, but on the Son of God. -The atoning sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross. John had been preaching to the Gentiles for many years, and he could be considered an apostle to the Gentiles. He knew better that the salvation that the Gentile world relied on at that time was through the proud "knowledge" of man in the Greek culture. In this letter, John pointed out that salvation does not depend on knowledge, but on the method of salvation ordained by God - faith in accepting the incarnate Jesus.