Policewomen, a serious and beautiful word; Policewomen, a group of brave and gentle women. Although female police officers are not as athletic as male police officers, most of them do not have the feat of shedding their blood, the merit of solving important cases, and the experience of going to the front line to fight criminals, fight crime and maintain peace in the first place. However, they work hard with the gentleness and delicacy unique to women and stick to their posts to serve the people. They have piles of statistical reports, one piece of written materials and one piece of logistics affairs. Some of them are smiling beautifully at the household registration window. Search and investigation are cordial greetings to the people. They will also stand guard in the hot sun. They used their actions to protect the stability of the home front.
You may envy the policewoman's dashing demeanor when she puts on the police uniform, and she often uses it? The sonorous roses praised them, but then it was hard to see that the efforts behind their heroic spirit came from the incomprehension of their families and the strangeness of their children. Yes, they are also women. They have to be busy for their wives, mothers, women and daughters-in-law, and sometimes they cry! But in the end, they will choose to stick to their jobs. Don't forget that your enterprise will live up to your mission!
I don't know how many nights, they gave up the romance with their lover the night before, and when night fell, they guarded the lights; How many festivals, they give up the warmth of family reunion with their elders, stick to their posts and remain happy and peaceful; How many holidays have they given up the time to accompany their children to learn and grow up, and received the police who solved problems for the masses?