(Zhou) Sejong wanted to personally levy Ze and Lu (Erzhou), and Feng Dao tried to dissuade him. Only Wang Pu agreed to Sejong's personal expedition. (Sejong) won the victory of Uighur, and Wang Pu was also the minister of rites, presiding over the compilation and revision of national history. Sejong wants to crusade against Qin and Feng (two states) and ask Wang Pu who will be the coach. Wang Pu recommended Xiang Gong. When the crusade was successful, Sejong gave Wang Pu a drink at the celebration banquet and said, "You chose the coach for me to make the crusade successful." Wang Pu followed Sejong to pacify Shouchun and ordered him to be promoted and knighted. In the early years of the northern song dynasty, he was promoted to be a commonplace and exempted from the privy Council. According to the old system, the first-class official rank was behind Taiwan Province, so Song Taizu (Zhao Kuangyin) summoned Wang Pu and said to the courtiers around him, "Wang Pu was the prime minister of the previous dynasty, and I will definitely cherish him." Immediately ordered the Taiwan Province Province to be divided into two parts (Wang Pu was listed in one column), so (the former first-class official title was listed in the same column with Taiwan Province Province) became customized. In the early years of Taiping and Xingguo, Wang Pu was made King of Qi. Seven years in August, died at the age of sixty-one. (The imperial court) stopped for two days, supplemented by posthumous title and wang pu, and posthumous title literature.
Wang pu is generous and personable, and likes to cultivate and support young people. Many young people recommended by him have risen to prominent positions. He is stingy with money. His father, Wang Zuo, served as the governor of the county for many times, and he was able to accumulate wealth. Every place where he works has farmland houses, and his family property has accumulated thousands of dollars. When Wang Shu was prime minister, Wang Zuo lived in Wang Shu's house as Suzhou's national defense envoy. Whenever the minister comes to Wang Min's house, he must visit Wang Zuo first. Wang Zuo set the tables to toast, and Wang Pu put on royal clothes to serve. When the guests are fidgeting, (Wang Pu) flinches. Wang Zuo said to the guests, "He is just my son, so don't bother." Wang Pu advised his (elderly) father, Wang You, to ask for resignation, but Wang You thought the court would not allow it. After his request was approved, Wang You cursed Wang Pu and said, "My strength has not aged. You want to firmly occupy your position, but you keep me at home. " Raise a big stick and hit him. Relatives persuaded him to stop. Wang Shu, who is thirsty for knowledge, collected Su Mian's Yao Hui and Cui Xian's Continued to supplement their gaps and compiled hundreds of volumes (works) called Don Yao Hui.