It was built in BC 1275, during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II of Egypt 19 dynasty. The temple is carved on the cliffs on both sides of the Nile, about 33 meters high, 37 meters wide and 6 1 meter deep. Among them, the four huge statues on the front of the temple are Pharaoh Ramses II himself. The width between the ears of the statue is 3.9 meters, and the mouth is 0.97 meters. These giant statues vividly reproduce the image of Pharaoh Ramses II. Due to the destruction of the earthquake, one of them lost his mind. There are some figurines between the calves of the four statues. They are the children of Ramses II and his sister and wife Nafta. Paintings and hieroglyphics are carved on the stone walls of the temple, describing the life scenes during the reign of Ramses II, the battle with the Hutong in Kadiexi City for the dominance of Syria, and the living customs of the Nubian people. Not far from the temple, ramses ii built a temple for his wife nefertili. It is also carved on the cliff, which is slightly smaller than Abu Simbel Temple, so it is called Little Abu Simbel Temple. There is a statue of Johnny Fetelli in the temple. Unlike most ancient Egyptian works of art, which give people a stiff feeling because of the pursuit of solemnity and stability, the statue of Naftili here is a beautiful statue that is self-contained. Every spring equinox (2 1 June) and autumn equinox (2 1 September) morning, the sun shines on the statue of the sun god through the altar room dug to a depth of 63 meters in the rock.
Eight statues of Osiris guard the deep passage of abu simbel temple. Only twice a year does the sun shine through the passage on the statue of Ramses II in the inner room.