Regarding the syllables and rhymes of Shakespeare's sonnets, give an example to illustrate my following question.

Syllable division


To do/them/themselves/for/for

So/of/ thy/ beau/ty/ do/ I/


Rhyme standard, taking sonnet 18 as an example.

Can I compare them to summer? one day

You are cuter and gentler. B ratio

The wind blew away the lovely buds of May, May

Summer holidays are too short. B date

Sometimes the eye of heaven shines, and C shines.

It is often his golden complexion that darkens; darken

Every exposition has its decline.

Accidental or natural process of change, without pruning; D pruning

But your eternal summer will not fade, e fades.

You won't lose the beautiful place you are familiar with.

Death won't say you want to rest in his shade, shade

When you grow up in eternal time. Grow in

As long as human beings can breathe and see, we can see.

This is eternal, which gives you life. G ni