Looking for famous quotes from European and American poets or writers, such as quotes from Shelley, Byron, and Wilde or famous quotes from their works.

Percy Shelley:

Shallow water is noisy, deep water is silent.

Hunger and love rule the world. Winter is coming, can spring be far behind? The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you. The more I read, the emptier I feel. Smile is actually a symbol of kindness, a source of happiness, and a medium for getting closer to others. With laughter, human emotions are communicated. If a person is not truly moral, he cannot be truly wise. A kiss is the meeting of soul and soul on the lips of a lover. (The lips are the place where two lovers’ souls meet.) Love is not a slave of time. Love is like a light, shining on two people at the same time, the brilliance will not weaken. Hope will make people young, because hope and youth are brothers. The most unfortunate people were nurtured by suffering and became poets. They used poetry to teach others what they learned from suffering. A poem is the true image of life, expressed in eternal truth. Poets of all ages have contributed to an ever-evolving "great poem." A great poem is like a fountain, always spouting water of wisdom and joy. The more we study, the more we feel our poverty. Vices - discord, war, misery; virtues - peace, happiness, harmony. A shrewd person is a person who carefully considers his own interests; a wise person is a person who carefully considers the interests of others. If a person is not truly moral, he cannot be truly wise. Shrewdness and wisdom are two very different things. A shrewd person is one who carefully considers his own interests; a wise person is one who carefully considers the interests of others. The greatest secret of morality is love; in other words, it is the beauty that transcends our own nature and is dissolved in the thoughts, actions or personalities of others. All sublime poetry is infinite, like an acorn, hiding all oak trees. Although we can pull back layers of veils, the naked beauty hidden deep in the meaning has never been fully revealed.

Oscar Wilde:

◆Our dreams must be big enough so that they do not disappear in the pursuit of them.

◆I use one phrase to encompass all systems, and one aphorism to summarize all existence.

Oscar Wilde

◆I will become famous sooner or later, and I will have notoriety even if I don’t have good fame.

◆Only auctioneers are unbiased and admire all art schools.

◆Narcissism is the beginning of romance in a person’s life.

◆If a beautiful thing makes a mistake, you should forgive it indiscriminately; if an ugly thing makes a mistake, you should despise it regardless of the conscience of heaven and earth.

◆I did not sell myself for money, I just bought success at a heavy price.

◆Now I am very happy, so I am sure that my personality is gone.

◆From an artistic point of view, bad guys are very attractive subjects of study. They represent colour, variety and specificity. Good people exasperate people's reason, bad people excite people's imagination.

◆Artists have no ethical likes and dislikes. If an artist has any ethical objections, it is an unforgivable affectation.

◆Vice and virtue are the materials for artists’ artistic creation.

◆Concerning the correctness of behavior shows that the development of reason has stagnated.

◆All art is useless.

◆Most women are so hypocritical that they have no sense of art, and most men are so natural that they have no sense of beauty.

◆From the perspective of form, the art of musicians is a typical example of various arts. From the perspective of feeling, the skills of actors are typical.

◆Fashion is a kind of ugliness, so ugly that we cannot bear it, so that we must change it every less than six months.

Personal works (8 photos) ◆A kind personality is not as beautiful as a beautiful appearance, but a kind personality is worse than being ugly.

◆Art should never try to become popular, the public themselves must try to become artistic.

◆A person either becomes a work of art or wears a work of art.

◆When love reaches its end, the weak cry, the shrewd find one immediately, and the wise have already prepared one.

◆People who love only once in a lifetime are superficial. They call it loyalty, but I call it habitual laziness or lack of imagination. Fidelity in the emotional life, like immutability in the intellectual life, is simply an admission of failure.

◆You should not say that it was the most romantic experience in your life, but rather that it was the first romantic experience in your life.

◆In every moment of a person’s life, a person can only be the person he will become, not the person he once became.

◆The purpose of love is to love, neither more nor less.

◆I don’t want to make a living, I want to live.

◆I can resist everything except temptation.

◆Living is precious, most people just exist, nothing more.

◆There are two tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want, the other is getting it.

◆I spent the morning removing a comma, and in the afternoon I put it back.

◆Happiness is the only goal in life.

◆Becoming a work of art is the purpose of life.

◆Perseverance is the last excuse for people who lack imagination.

◆Love is such a boring thing, it is not half as useful as logic, because it cannot prove anything, it always tells people something that cannot be true, and always teaches people to believe. Some things are not real. In short, they are completely unrealistic. In our era, everything must be practical. I’d better go back to rationality and study metaphysics!

◆Don't try to remedy hopeless mistakes, don't waste your life on stupid, vulgar and wretched things. These things are the pathological goals and false ideals of our age. Live your amazing life and don’t waste any of it.

◆A soul of one’s own and the feelings of his friends are the most charming things in life.

Close contact with De's tombstone, which is covered with hickeys, has been restricted.

◆Instead of making reliable friends, it is better to make your friends reliable.

◆The true perfection of a person does not lie in what he has, but in what he is.

◆Life imitates art, rather than art reflecting life.

◆The reason why art is art is because it is unnatural.


◆There is no reason for a youthful smile, which is one of its main charms.

◆Today is an era where we see too much and have no time to appreciate, and we write too much and have no time to think.

◆Experience is the name that everyone gives to the mistakes they make.

◆Except for the senses, nothing can heal the pain of the soul, just as the hunger and thirst of the senses can only be relieved by the soul.

◆Become a bystander of your own life to avoid troubles in life.

◆A good reputation, like good intentions, is formed in many actions and lost in one action.

◆A cynical person knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.

◆Your mistake is not that you know too little about life, but that you know too much. You have happily left behind the innocent hope of the delicate flowers and pure light that you had in the dawn of childhood, and you have run swiftly through romance and into reality.

◆The main reason for divorce is marriage.

◆Men and women are united due to misunderstanding and separated due to understanding.

◆Men get married because they are tired, and women get married because they are curious. As a result, both parties are disappointed.

◆No works of art can express opinions. Opinions belong to people, not the artist.

◆The moment a comment begins to have an impact is when it ceases to be a comment. The purpose of a review is to write about the author's own feelings, not to correct someone else's masterpiece.

◆It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or boring.

◆Women are meant to be loved, not understood.

◆Only by not paying bills can a person expect to live in the memory of a merchant.

◆Only superficial people understand themselves.

◆People should always be a little unreasonable.

◆Public opinion only exists where there is no thought.

◆In the past, books were written by literati and read by the public. Today, books are written by the public and no one reads them.

◆A subject that is perfect in itself has no inspiration for the artist; it lacks flaws.

◆The obvious is the only thing that the artist cannot see, and the obvious is the only thing that the public can see. Journalist comments emerged as a result.

◆Even followers have their uses. He stood behind the throne and whispered to the monarch when he was triumphant: "After all, people cannot live forever."

◆It is personality rather than principles that change the times.

◆I like people more than principles, and I like people without principles better than the whole world.

◆Behind every pleasing thing, there is always a sad secret. Even for the most humble flower to bloom, the world has to go through labor pains.

◆Hearts are meant to be broken.

◆As long as a man does not love women, he can get along happily with women.

◆No great artist sees things as they really are. If he does, he will no longer be an artist.

◆What I offer you is a crime that you do not have the courage to commit.

◆We Irish are too poetic to be poets, we are a nation of brilliant losers, but we are the greatest orators since the Greeks.

◆The public is amazingly tolerant and can forgive everything except genius.

◆Religions will die when they need to be proven true. Science is the record of a death religion.

◆I like to tell myself because it saves time and prevents arguments.

◆Maxims are a durable substitute for wisdom.

◆Religion is a fashionable substitute for belief.

◆Dreamers can discover the road paved by moonlight. The punishment is that he sees the light of day before everyone else.

◆I like men with a future and women with a past.

◆Pessimism is the kind of person who, given the opportunity to choose one of two misfortunes, chooses both.

◆Society only exists as a spiritual concept, and the real world is only individual.

◆Prestige is one of the insults I have never suffered.

◆Doing nothing is the hardest thing in the world, the hardest and most intellectual.

◆Hate is blind, and so is love.

◆Talking about the weather is a refuge from boring conversation.

◆Real life is a life we ??will not lead.

◆In art, new experiences are more important than anything else.

◆My taste is actually very simple, as long as everything is perfect.

◆Men often hope to be a woman’s first love, while women hope to be a man’s last romance.

◆At first we create our habits, and later our habits create us.

◆This world is a stage, but the roles are not assigned properly.

◆British people are never interested in a work of art until someone says it is immoral.

◆When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing, but now that I am getting older, I have discovered that this is indeed the case.

◆The function of an artist is to innovate, not to record history.

◆Death and vulgarity were the only things in the nineteenth century that could not be avoided by clever excuses.

◆Some works are very patient and have not been understood for a long time. The reason is that they provide answers to questions that have not yet been asked, and these questions appear long after the answers have appeared.

◆Love always starts with self-deception and ends with deception.

◆The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

◆There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is having no one talk about you.

◆ Moderation is unfortunate, moderation is as bad as an ordinary meal, excess is as enjoyable as a feast.

◆Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

◆Every man kills what he loves, let everyone hear it. Someone strangled with a bitter glance. Someone spoke coquettishly. Cowards kill with kisses, heroes chop with swords.