in the eleventh year, he cut down the Song Dynasty on a large scale, and together with Shi Tianze, he worshipped the Prime Minister Zuo Zhongshu and went to Jinghu. At that time, the construction banks in Jinghu and Huaixi, Tianze said, the orders were different, or they caused defeat. Imperial edict to change Huai's westbound province to the Privy Council. Tianze was ill again, so he asked Bo Yan to be appointed as a full-time official. Therefore, Bo Yan led Henan and other roads to travel to Zhongshu Province, where he belonged and listened to moderation. In the autumn of July, the ancestors said, "In the past, Cao Bin didn't like to kill Jiangnan, so I thought it was my Cao Bin."
in September, we joined forces in Xiangyang, and divided the army into three ways. Bingxu, Bo Yan and Pingzhang Ashu followed the Han River from the Middle Road to Yingzhou. Wan Hu Wu Xiu is the vanguard, and when it comes to water, the rain overflows, so you can't wade without a boat. Bo Yan said, "I'll fly across the river, but I'm afraid of this!" He called a strong man, took the battle, rode ahead, and told all the armies to finish their work. Guisi, the second salt mountain, is twenty miles away from Yunzhou. Ying was in the north of Hanshui River, with stone as the city, and the Song people built a new Ying in the south of Hanshui River, crossing iron ropes, locking warships, and staking trees in the water. The downstream Huangjiawan Fort is also equipped with defensive devices. There is a ditch in the west of the fort, and the rattan lake in Nantong is only a few miles from the river. Li Ting and Liu Guojie, the general managers, were sent to attack the fort of Huangjiawan, pull it out, break the bamboo mat, and sail from Tenghu to the Han River. The generals invited them to say, "Ying City, my throat, if I don't take it, I will be afraid of future trouble." Bo Yan said, "I'll know what the priority is. If you attack the city, you will be defeated, and the army will come out. Is it a city for this? " So I gave up my job and went downstream. Bo Yan and Ashu were behind the house, but they were less than a hundred riders. On the afternoon of October, when they were in osawa, Ying generals Zhao Wenyi and Fan Xingyi rode two thousand troops, but Bo Yan and Ashu failed to meet them, and they were eager to return to the army to meet them. Bo Yan killed Wenyi by hand, but captured Xing Fan to kill him. His foot soldiers killed 5 people, and dozens of people were born.
jiazi is inferior to Shayang. Ugly B, ordered by the official Yang Renfeng, should not. After that, he sent a prisoner with a yellow list and a campaign, passed on Zhao Wenyi's head, and entered the city to recruit his commanders Wang Huchen and Wang Dayong. Tiger ministers and others beheaded prisoners and burned yellow lists. Fu Yi, a general, surrendered with 17 men from the water army, while Hu Chen and others cut off those who wanted to surrender. Bo Yan me Lv Wenhuan recruit, and should not. At dusk, the wind was strong, and Bo Yan ordered the golden juice cannon to burn his house, and the smoke rose to the sky, and the city was broken. Ten thousand households were busy capturing four people, including Tiger Minister and Dayong, and I was informed of the slaughter. Bing Yin, the second new city, made ten thousand households Timur and Shi Bi lie in Shayang's place at the gate, shooting yellow lists and essays in the city to recruit them. His garrison commander lived in friendship and invited Lu Wenhuan to talk with him. Ding Mao, Wen Huan went to the gate, flew in the right arm and ran back. On the day of Wuchen, when Huang Shun, the general manager, went out of the city, he was granted the invitation to make a move, and he was given a gold symbol to call the city to join the army. His department was called at the gate, and Juyi invited him into the city, and he was informed to cut it. Now, all his deputies are in charge of Ren Ning's surrender, and the friendship will never come out. So Li Ting, the general manager, broke through his outer castle, and the ants of all armies attached themselves to it and pulled it out. More than three thousand people, still fighting to death, Juyi family set themselves on fire. Therefore, four people, including Wang Huchen and Wang Dayong, were killed.
in November, Bingxu returned to Fuzhou for the second time, and Zhaigui, the prefecture of Zhizhou, descended from the city. The generals please inspect their warehouse army, send officials to appease the town, but Bo Yan won't listen, telling them not to enter the city, and offenders will be judged by military law. Bo Yan did not answer Ashu's envoy You Cheng Ali The Hague's statement about the period of crossing the river. Come again tomorrow and don't answer. Ashu came of his own accord, and Bo Yan said, "This is a great event. The Lord will pay us both, so that the rest of the people can know what I am?" Lately leave. B Wei, Junci Caidian. Ding You, look at the situation in Hankou. Song Huaixi made Xia Gui and others, with 1, warships, divided according to the key points. They all controlled Wang Da to keep Yangluo Fort, and Jinghu declared that Zhu Watan's grandson was in the middle of the stream with guerrilla troops, so soldiers were not allowed to enter. Ma Fu, a thousand households, suggested that the mouth of the Fallen River could pass through the sand and weeds and enter the river. Bo Yan made the mouth of the sand and weeds, and Xia Gui also guarded it with good soldiers. Is surrounded by Hanyang army, claiming that from Hankou to cross the river, Guiguo moved troops to Hanyang.
in the afternoon of December, I was in Hankou. In 1911, the generals opened the dam from Hankou and led the boat into the Fallen River. In advance, Abraham refused the entrance of Shawu with soldiers, approached Wuji, patrolled Yangluo Castle, and went to the river. Renzi, Bo Yan warships, followed, with thousands of ships moored at the mouth of Lun River, and hundreds of thousands of Mongolian and Han troops rode in Jiangbei. The generals said, "On the south bank of Shawu, where is the warship, you can attack and take it." Bo Yan said: "I also know that it can be taken, and I am worried that your generation will be greedy for small achievements and lose big things; Cross the river in one fell swoop and get all the credit. " Then ordered to repair the attack gear and March into Yangluo Fort. If you are ugly, you should send someone to recruit you, and you should not. Jia Yin sent someone to recruit him again, and all his soldiers said, "My generation suffered from Song Houen and fought hard to the death. At this time, Ann has the reason to rebel and surrender. Prepare our armour. Today, I am in the song dynasty, and I still gamble and gamble. I will win or lose here. " Bo Yan ordered the generals to attack it, but it was impossible for three days. A magician said, "Heaven travels south, and gold and wood are in conflict. If two stars cross, the river can cross." Bo Yan, however, said nothing. But he plotted against Ashu, saying, "He said I would pull out this castle before crossing the river. This castle is very strong, and it is futile to attack it. Tonight, you rode on an iron horse for 3, yuan, and went boating straight to the upper reaches. You crossed the river and attacked the south bank for a false plan. If it has passed, send someone to report it to me. " Yi Mao, sent you Cheng Ali to the Hague to supervise the household Zhang Hongfan, suddenly lost The Hague, lost the fold, etc., first attacked Yang Luobao with a step ride, and Xia Gui came to help. Then he took Ah Shu by surprise, and led thousands of families, including Yan Che 'er, Busy Gu Di, Shi Ge, and Jia Wenbei, to the four-wing army, upstream for forty miles in the west, and moored at Castle Peak. That night, it was snowing heavily. From a distance, I saw the exposed sandbars on the south bank. Ashu boarded the boat, instructed the generals, and made the path to the continent, followed by the horse. Ten thousand households and one army crossed first, but Cheng Pengfei, the commander-in-chief, was defeated. Ah Shu was determined to swing sideways, and in a bloody battle, he captured Gao Bang and others. The deceased did not count, and Pengfei was defeated by seven attacks. He got more than a thousand ships and won the South Bank. Ah Shu and the town governor He Wei and other dozens of people climbed the shore and fought, and the number of people who opened and got back together was four. The southern army blocked the water and could not be thin, so they set up a pontoon bridge and crossed in rows. Ali Hague sent Zhang Rongshi, Jie Ruzhen and other four-wing troops, and reached Xia Gui. You led thousands of troops under your command to escape first, and all the troops took advantage of it, and they drowned countless times, chasing them to the East Gate of Ezhou and returning them. Bingchen and Ashu sent an envoy to report, and Bo Yan was overjoyed. He waved his generals to attack Yangluobao and behead Wang Da. Song Jun was devastated, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured. Xia Gui only walked to Baihu Mountain with immunity. The generals are called your generals, and you can't make them escape. Please chase them. Bo Yan said; "Yang Luo's success, I want to report to the Song people before I send an envoy, but you have to go instead of me, so there is no need to chase." Ding Si, Bo Yan's climb to Mount Wuji, north and south of the great river, all belong to our army, and all the generals will say "Congratulations" and "politely decline of Bo Yan".
Ashu is still crossing the river, discussing the direction of the soldiers, or wanting to take Qi and Huang first. Ashu said, "If you go to the underworld, you can take Hubei and Han first, although it is ten days late." Bo Yan followed it. When I was late, I studied in Ezhou and sent Lu Wenhuan, Yang Renfeng and others to say, "Your country depends on Jiang and Huai. Today, our soldiers are flying across the Yangtze River, and they are on the ground. Why don't you come down quickly?" Hubei relies on Hanyang and will fight, but it will burn three thousand of its warships, and the fire will shine in the city, and the two cities will be afraid. Geng Shen, Zhang Yanran of Ezhou, Wang Yi of Hanyang Army, and De 'an House all came to rejuvenate the country, and Cheng Pengfei surrendered with their troops. Renxu, set a new official rank, withdraw Song Bing, and divide the generals. First of all, the border guards who fell into the Song Dynasty were sent away. Ding Mao, the elder brother and general manager who sent thousands of families, suddenly became evil and entered the river crossing. We ordered Huang Tou, the pioneer of Abraham, to take 4, welcome grains from Shou Chang to pay for the army. Leave Youcheng, Ali, The Hague, etc., save 4, troops in Hubei, and take Jinghu Lake. Now, Bo Yan and Ashu have gone east by land and water with a great army, and Ashu was given the first place in Huangzhou.
in the spring of the twelfth year, the first month returned to Huangzhou. Jia Xu, the deputy envoy along the Yangtze River, knew that Huangzhou Andy Chen had surrendered, and Bo Yan undertook to grant the commander-in-chief along the Yangtze River. Yi sent a book to Lianshui to recruit his son's rock, and the rock fell. Lu Wenhuan and Andy Chen were sent to recruit Guan Zongmo, the envoy of Anfu in Qizhou, with books, and then Ashu was sent to build his gate with a boat master. Guiwei, Bo Yan to Qizhou, Zongmo came out, that is, he promised to make a mission to Huaixi Xuanfu, leaving ten thousand households to take the tower to keep it. O Shu Fu went to Jiangzhou first with the boat division, and Lu Shi, the minister of the Ministry of War, was in Jiangzhou, where he and Qian Zhensun, the magistrate, sent people to meet him. Bingxu, from Bo Yan to Jiangzhou, took Shikui as Jiangzhou's guardian. Teacher Kui gave a banquet in Yugong Building, and chose two girls from the imperial clan of the Song Dynasty to present them with decorations. Bo Yan said angrily, "I am instructed by the holy son of heaven to promote the teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and I blame the Song Dynasty. How can I change my mind with women?" "Send it. Knowing that Ye Chang, the Nankang Army, came to surrender, all the commanders in front of the temple told me that Fan Wenhu, the official residence of Anqing, also received money from books. Ashu then led the boat division to build Anqing, and Wenhu came out to surrender. From Bo Yan to Hukou, thousands of Ningyu pontoons were sent to cross the bridge, but the wind was swift and the water sailed, and the bridge could not be completed. Instead, we prayed to the God of Dagushan, and for a while, the wind stopped the bridge and the army completed the crossing. In February, Renyinshuo went from Bo Yan to Anqing, and he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Zhejiang University. Wenhu knew the affairs of Anqing House with his son and friends, and ordered every household to guard it. Ding Wei, the second Chizhou, all controlled Zhang Lin to fall from the city; In Wushen, it was decided that Zhao Qifa and his wife had died, and Bo Yan entered the city, seeing it and pitying it, he was buried with clothes and clothes.
Jia Sidao, the minister in charge of the Song Dynasty, sent a letter from Song Jing, asking him to return it to the state and county, with an annual tribute of about RMB. Bo Yan sent general Wu Lulve to report to Ruan Sicong, his agent, and stopped in Beijing to wait for him. He even said, "Before crossing the river, it is ok to negotiate and pay tribute. Now all the counties along the river are attached. If you want peace, you should come and discuss it." Adding bad to the bag is the release of Song Jing. Geng Shen, Fa Chizhou, Ren Xu, Ci Ding Jia Zhou. Jia Sidao's commander-in-chief has 13, troops, with a number of millions. Sun Huchen is the vanguard of the infantry command, and Xia Gui, the commander of Huaixi, crosses the river with 2,5 warships, which seems to be the rear army. Bo Yan ordered the cavalry to enter the river at a rate of about 1, households, and the sound of guns was thundered. When Song Jun moved, you fled first, swept like a boat with a flat boat, and shouted, "The other people are outnumbered, and the situation is exhausted!" It seems that when I heard about it, I was in a panic, and I suddenly sounded the gold and retired, and the army collapsed. All the troops shouted, "Song Jun is defeated!" The warships were in the latter, and Ashu urged them to ride and call them, stand up and board the boat, and rushed at the enemy ship with their hands, swaying and swaying, and at first meeting. Ashu led He Wei, Li Ting and others into the boat with a small flag, and Bo Yan ordered them to ride around, killing more than 15 miles, drowning without counting, and got more than 2, ships, as well as military equipment, books and seals. It seems that the road goes east to Yangzhou, expensive to Luzhou and tiger minister to Taizhou. Jiazi, attack Taiping state. Ding Mao, Meng Zhi of Zhizhou, Liu Quan of Zhiwu Army, Cao Wang of Zhizhen Nest Army, and Wang Xi of Zhizhou all descended from the city. Gengwu, the division time health Longwan, Da 'an soldiers. In March, Gui You, the Song Dynasty set up Zhao Cheng Dun along the Yangtze River, and his brother Huai set out for Liyang, so he died. Xu Wangrong, Weng Fu, etc., the commander-in-chief, surrendered to the city, and ordered them to keep it. Knowing that Zhenjiang Prefecture was in a state of fear, Shi Zuzhong, the general manager, descended from the city. Knowing that Zhao and Kedun, the government of Ningguo, know that Tang Zhen, Raozhou, died, and all the counties in Jiangdong were under. The counties of Chuzhou in the west of Huai River also fell one after another.
Bingzi, Guoxin sent Lian Xixian to Jiankang, and sent an order that all the generals should keep their camps, so as not to invade and plunder. Xi Xian and Yan Zhongfan were ordered to send troops to the Song Dynasty to defend themselves. Bo Yan said, "Pedestrians say that they don't use troops, but they are tired." Xi xian, please, and. Bingxu, the only one in Songling, was killed by the Song people. Geng Yin and Bo Yan sent Shi Tianlin, the foreign minister of the left and right division, to play things, and the sai-jo was so pleased that he could play them. Bo Yan went to Zhongshu Province in Jiankang, Atahai and Dong Wenbing went to Zhenjiang, and Ashu did not attack Yangzhou by imperial edict. Jiangdong was hungry at the age of 2, and the people suffered a great epidemic. Bo Yan saved it with the relief, and the people depended on it. The Song people sent the commander-in-chief Hong Mo to transfer the book to Xu Wangrong, etc., saying that the Queen Mother and the heir really didn't know about it, and they all condemned it. When they were punished, they were willing to lose money, so please stop fighting and get through. Bo Yan said, "It's a scam to see if I'm real or not. When you choose people to go with you, look at their affairs, announce Wei De, and let him fall quickly. " Zhang Yu, the deliberative officer, was ordered to go to Pingjiang Post with Wang Rong's reply, and the Song people killed him again.
April is ugly. If there is a letter, it will be hot in the summer, which is not good for teachers. I will raise it again in autumn. Bo Yan said, "The Song people's reliance on rivers and seas is like animal insurance. Now it has been choked, and if it is less vertical, it will escape." The ancestor's messenger said, "I will be in the army, not from the middle, but from the rear." It is advisable to speak from the Prime Minister. " In May, Ding Hai, after receiving orders from Yu Ai, sent a message to Bo Yan to go to Que, taking Abraham as a political participant, so as to save trouble. From Bo Yan to Zhenjiang, the generals will plan their affairs and make them return to the town, but they will cross the river northward and enter Shangdu. In July, he entered the book and became the right prime minister, making contributions to Ashu, so Ashu was the left prime minister. In August, Guimao was ordered to return to the province and pay a letter to the Song Lord. Instead, he took the road to Yidu, visited Yizhou and other military bases, and transferred Marshal Bo Luhuan, the commander of Dongdu, and Marshal Ali Bo, the deputy commander of Dongdu, to advance with his troops. In September, Wuyin joined forces with Huai 'an at the gates, and sent Sun Siwu, a newly attached official, to knock on the city and shoot at the book city, but all of them should not be ordered to surrender. Geng Chen, appealing for the loss of Biejili, refused to go to the West Gate of the North City. Bo Yan, Bo Luhuan and Ali Bo visited the South Castle, waved the generals to drive and climb, pulled them out, and fled to the big city, chased them to the city gate, beheaded them hundreds of times, and leveled their south castle. Bing Xu, the second treasure should be the army. Wuzi, the second Gaoyou. In October, Geng Xu surrounded Yangzhou. Summoned the generals to instruct the general plan, and left Bo Luhuan and Ali Bo to guard new castle in the Bay Head, and all the troops headed south. Renxu, to Zhenjiang, went to the hospital, and Atahai and Dong Wenbing served together.
On November 1st, Bo Yan was divided into three armies, which were scheduled to meet in Lin 'an. Abraham, who participated in politics, was the right army, and rode on his own to build a healthy and secure life, and became independent of Songling; Dong Wenbing, who participated in politics, was Zuo Jun, and he followed the sea from Jiangyin to Ganpu and Huating. Bo Yan and Youcheng Atahai went from the middle road to control the armies and went hand in hand with land and water. At noon, Bo Yan army arrived in Changzhou. First, Changzhou defended Wang Zongzhu and sentenced Wang Huchen to surrender to the city. They all ruled Liu Shiyong, Zhang Yan and Wang Anjie, and refused to push Yao. For the sake of defense, I refused for months. Bo Yan sent people to the gate to shoot at the book city, saying: Don't be suspicious of having surrendered and rebelled, and don't be afraid of rejecting the enemy and our division. None of them should be. It was the pro-overseer's former army that came to the south city, and built more artillery and crossbows to attack it day and night. Wen Tianxiang sent Yin Yu and Ma Shilong to help, both of whom died in battle. Jia Shen, Bo Yan rebuked the army and set up a red flag on the city. When all the troops saw it, they shouted, "The Prime Minister has boarded." Teacher Biden. Song bing was defeated, pulled it out, slaughtered its city, Yao? And sentenced Chen Ying to die, Wang Anjie was born and beheaded. Liu Shiyong changed his clothes and rode to Pingjiang alone, so the generals asked him to chase him. Bo Yan said, "Don't chase him, the teacher is brave enough to cross, and the defenders of the city are afraid." Take Ma Shu, who is in charge of all provinces, as Changzhou Yin. Send Mongolian army commander-in-chief Timur and ten thousand families to Wuxi, ten thousand families are busy with ancient evil and Yan Cher's tour of Taihu Lake, send prison soldiers to beg for evil, recruit and persuade the capital to swim, and then Timur will go to Pingjiang first.
Geng Yin, who sent a messenger to you Jie, sent a copy of the imperial edict to Song Dynasty, and still sent a letter to Minister Song. In December, Xin Chou went to Wuxi, and Liu Yue, the Song Dynasty's general supervisor, and other officials came to see him with letters from his country's Lord and Empress Dowager, and the ministers of the Song Dynasty and Bo Yan, weeping and saying, "The Empress Dowager is old, and her successor is young, and she is in decline. Since ancient times, the ceremony has not cut the funeral, and I hope that I will forgive the squad and dare to repair it every year. Those who have done this today are all traitors Jia Sidao who have broken their promises and made mistakes in their country. " Bo Yan said, "At the beginning of the Lord's accession to the throne, it was repaired with credentials. Your country has ruled our country for 16 years, so it is necessary to find fault. Who killed Lian Fengshi and others for no reason? If you want my teacher not to advance, will you help the king of money? Is master Li coming out? Er Song was once in the hands of children, but now he is also lost in the hands of children. It is needless to say. " Yuedun burst into tears. Send a recruit to make the copy red, use Liu Yue to make things happen, and strictly serve to make the credentials played.
First of all, Pingjiang defended his latent position and said that his friends were fleeing, and Hu Yu and others were sentenced to surrender from the city and be returned to the Song Dynasty. Jiachen, when all the troops were at Pingjiang, Wang Bangjie, the commander of all the troops, and Wang Moment, the leader of all the troops, came out. Geng Xu, sending a bag to add evil to make Liu Yue return to Lin 'an. In order to be busy with the ancient evil and Fan Wenhu, they are in charge of the two Zhejiang universities. Ning Yu was sent to repair Wujiang Long Bridge, which was completed in ten days. Geng Shen, Bao Jia, and Xia Shilin, assistant minister Lu Shimeng, and Zong, Song Shangshu.