1. The poem is excerpted from Wang Anshi's "The River Neighbors Invited to Visit the Three Halls of Calligraphy and Painting"
Although there are ancient painting brushes in the world, you can go to *** to view the Linshi Canal.
Xixian has eleven volumes of black traces, and the scrolls are sparsely arranged with jade scrolls.
The most strange thing is "Yi Lun" in small regular script. Yonghe ends with the title "Guan Nu".
There is another exquisite painting of the Four Mountains, wearing a song and a cow looking at the green grass.
Li Chenghan, the trees in the cold forest are half dry, and the yellow quan craftsmanship is wonderful in the picture of the white rabbit.
There are three pavilions of paintings in the hall. This painting is very clever and has a special meaning.
Whether it is true or false is a copy of the painting. If things in the world are like this, it can be said.
2. Excerpted from Du Fu's "Viewing the Paintings and Calligraphy of Xue Ji Shaobao on the Wall"
The painting of the Tibetan Blue Lotus Circle has been included in the gold list. Looking up at the dew posture, it neither collapses nor dries up. The three characters "Yu Yu" are intertwined with dragons.