There are n versions about the origin of sufu, and the following is one of them.
Once upon a time, people from Ning, Yixing and China, Yiwu were congenial and very close, and they got married in the same year.
One day, they met in Meicheng, Meizhou, and invited each other to a restaurant for dinner. When discussing what to eat, Xingning people said to eat pork and five pieces of China tofu. They quarrel with each other. The shopkeeper was afraid that they would quarrel and lose their business, so he came up with a clever plan: mix chopped pork with delicious seasoning, then brew pieces of tofu, stir-fry it first and then cook it, making it fragrant and sweet for two people to eat together. Since then, sufu has become a famous Hakka dish. Ingredients: authentic Meizhou plum vegetables and fine pork belly are selected and processed by traditional Meizhou cooking skills.
Features: fear of color, smell and traditional Hakka cuisine. Tea smash is a unique flower in the vast and exquisite tea art of the motherland. This custom generally exists only among Hakkas. When making tea, the drummer sits down, holds a ceramic bowl on his legs, puts a handful of green tea into the bowl, and holds a rolling pin half a meter long, knocking and spinning frequently. Add sesame seeds, peanuts and herbs (vanilla, yellow flowers, fragrant leaves, rattan grass, etc.). ) pour it into the bowl while grinding. When the contents of the bowl are mashed, the tea will be ground. Then, filter the ground tea with a spoon sieve, put it in a copper pot, add water and boil it, and it will be fragrant in a short time. Pinlei tea is particularly rich and has a long taste ... It is said that Leicha has the effect of detoxification, which can be eaten and used as medicine. It can quench thirst and satisfy hunger. On the other hand, tea-smashing originated in the Central Plains, flourished in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and still spreads in Hakka settlements in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi.
Meizhou Hakka people are enthusiastic, and most of them entertain guests with tea. There are two kinds of hospitality: meat and vegetables. Treat vegetarian guests with peanuts, cowpeas or soybeans, glutinous rice, kelp, sweet potato vermicelli, dried japonica rice, cold dishes, etc. For people who eat meat, add fried shredded pork or small intestine, sweet bamboo shoots, shredded mushrooms, fried tofu, vermicelli, chives and other ingredients.
Hakkas have traveled south to Wan Li Road, wading through mountains and rivers, sleeping in the wind and eating, and going through hardships. When they arrive at their place of residence, they need to start from scratch and gradually develop a character of perseverance, outward development and courage to take risks. It is this character that gives the Hakkas the motivation to seek a new world tirelessly. Isn't there something in common between Lei Cha's personality and Hakka spirit? Broken tea, taken from Shan Ye, cooked during the journey, reflecting the sun, the moon and the stars, stained with wind, frost, rain and snow; The product is elegant and leisurely, adding a rough and heroic outline. It is the treasure of Hakkas and the "source" of hikers ... Every food culture is a poetic and enlightening philosophy of life.