Parents suffer from hard work and raising their children. As for growth, it is because there are sacrifices, love and education from parents everywhere. In order to repay kindness, children should honor their parents. What's more, the kindness of parents is extremely confusing, and it is by no means a reward for offering glycerides. Therefore, the ancients paid attention to filial piety, supplemented by raising.
According to the Bible, apart from the relationship between people, it is also God's will to command people to honor their parents, get the blessings he promised, and live in the land given by God for a long time. We believe that if people have a proper relationship with their parents, they will live in harmony with all other human relations, the spirit of mutual assistance and unity will be enhanced, social undertakings will progress smoothly, and foreign aggression will be more resistant to Qi Xin; In this way, the life span of this nation can certainly be long. Unfortunately, the Jews violated God's commandment and regarded devotion to God as the reason for not supporting their parents. Such treacherous intentions can't escape God's punishment after all. People who lose money can never please God. Treating others in the name of God is really adding to the crime. People who believe in God should be loyal to their hearts, obey God's laws and be filial to their parents, and God will give us the promised blessing.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help us honor our parents and thank and praise you for our parents. Let the Lord forgive us for our unfilial sins. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!