1. When solving problems, men know better than women. When solving problems with philosophy, it may be more accurate and comprehensive, but it is not easy to be accepted; On the other hand, when poetry is used to express feelings, it will be greatly praised. This is the different charm of poetry and philosophy. However, philosophy cannot understand the meaning of poetry, and poetry cannot understand the abstraction of philosophy.
Second, men are more rational and women are more emotional. Philosophy is a rational analysis of everything that exists in this world. For example, the world is material, material is moving, and movement is regular. This is a way to know the world, but women prefer how the water of the Yellow River moves out of the sky. Until, holding up my cup, I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and let the three of us; This perceptual writing makes men like philosophy and women like poetry.
Third, philosophy is obscure and poetry is catchy. The feeling of communication between men and women is different, and they may have different feelings for different sexes, but we can think that when we were young, mom and dad gave their children different feelings. Dad is always dignified, but mom is approachable. Dad is a philosophy, always likes to talk about the truth, and mom is a poem, which warms the child's body and mind. In this respect, men are more like philosophy and women are more like poetry.