People can admit their mistakes, but they may not be willing to pay the price. People who commit crimes may not be able to confess voluntarily and pay for their crimes. Even if they are willing to pay the price, they don't die for criminals like Jesus without committing crimes. God takes the initiative to find someone, and reconciliation with others is the truth of the Bible.
1 Corinthians 18 says: "Because of the truth of the cross, those who perish there are stupid;" Those who are saved in us are the power of God. "Section 2 1:" People don't know God by their own wisdom, but God is willing to save those who believe in what people regard as stupid truth; "This is the wisdom of God."
We love because God loves us first. When we were still sinners, Christ was crucified for us, and God's love was manifested here.
It is not that we have chosen God, but that God has chosen us. It is not that we seek God, but that God seeks us. -Emmanuel!