Reluctantly walked along the mountain road for a while, the tree-lined trees on both sides became denser and higher, and birds could be heard singing in several places. In several places, the roads are covered with white fallen flowers, which makes the monotonous roads look good. Looking up along the fallen flowers, clusters of white tung trees are in full bloom on the high branches, which is indeed a scene after snow in winter, so tung trees are also called five sons in the snow. When the mountain breeze blows, I feel refreshed and the initial heat is swept away. The footsteps at the foot also became brisk, and soon we reached the walking plank road halfway up the mountain.
There is a China teahouse near the plank road. In my opinion, it's just a big pavilion, and it's just a well-decorated building with carved beams and painted buildings. There are some tables and chairs in it for people to drink tea and chat. We are not interested in sitting down for tea, but the scenery here is excellent, from which we can have a panoramic view of most of Longyan city. The joy of climbing the mountain, just overlooking the top of the mountain, suddenly becomes clear, the mountain view is so broad, and people's mood has become much broader, which is really poetic. Unfortunately, I don't have a poem, but I can't write a poem. Du Fu's poem "I came from three thousand miles away. With the sadness of autumn, with my sorrow of a hundred years, I climbed this height alone. Liu Yong has a saying, "I can't bear to climb high and look far, and I can't bear to look at my hometown." Sigh for years, why stay? "Poets are used to hurting spring and mourning autumn, and even if they look far up, they will cry, so it is also a blessing for us not to be poets.
In the teahouse, there are a group of little brothers with bare arms. They seem to have just finished exercising and are having a rest. Some of them hold the railing, leg press, and some sit in chairs and chat. At the entrance of the plank road, someone has just finished exercising from the plank road and someone is preparing to enter the plank road. The wooden plank road is built on the mountain and winds for about four kilometers. The plank road is sandwiched by tall trees, close to the natural air and fresh, so everyone likes to run and walk on the plank road in their spare time. Among the people passing by us, there are white-haired fathers walking and chatting with girls, young people running and panting alone, young mothers playing with their children, and several elderly aunts coming together from time to time to enjoy the scenery and take photos with each other. ...
Soon after walking on the plank road, friends in the same trade began to run. I like to enjoy the scenery while walking, so no one cares about me soon. At this time, the curtain of the night has gradually dropped, and all the street lamps along the way have been lit. The street lamp is an antique square lantern with a slightly soft and dim light around it. I think this light is just right. Scholars in ancient and modern times often write the moon into poems and praise it, because it is gentle as water, not as dazzling as sunlight. Tonight, the moon hides behind the clouds, but there are street lamps to illuminate my future, and I can enjoy endless nights in the mountains.
I haven't been in the bushes for a long time, and occasionally I wander here alone, greatly relaxing my mood. Living in the city on weekdays, in order to make a living, I can't enjoy this idyllic joy. I turn on my cell phone and play music. The first song is coldplay's Christmas Lights, which is a soothing and beautiful song. It is very suitable for this quiet night, and it also conforms to my carefree mood now. My ears are immersed in soothing and wonderful music, and my eyes are enjoying the scenery along the way. It is really "an audio-visual enjoyment, I believe in coke." Some people who pass me by occasionally also wear headphones to listen to music. They are all my comrades-in-arms, enjoying the scenery and music without delay.
The trees on both sides of the plank road are tall and strong, and there are many kinds. Pine trees with needles, bamboo with slender trunks, probably asparagus. I can't name the rest, some leaves are wider and some leaves are narrower. Due to the landscape lights on the outside of the plank road, some leaves near the plank road are golden yellow, which looks like pieces of Jin Yezi swaying in the wind. I have seen the Woods in the sun, the leaves are green and dripping, and the light is dark on a cloudy day, which is dark green. Influenced by different light, leaves can change into different colors. Nature is so great.
After walking for a kilometer or two, I finally caught up with my friends who were no longer waiting for me. He may be sweating. He has taken off his coat and is naked. I went up to tease him and said, "Don't you feel hot?" Why don't you take off your pants? "So they walked all the way, joking with each other and continuing to walk on the plank road. I like quiet and lively. A person enjoying the moon alone in the mountains can only see the beautiful scenery around him, quiet and carefree. Walking and chatting with friends, instead of concentrating on enjoying the beautiful scenery, will be more lively. At this time, the music on the mobile phone is still on, and sometimes when they hear the climax of a classic good song, both of them will hum a sentence or two.
After visiting the plank road, return to the teahouse at the starting point of the plank road and overlook the night view of Longyan city. All the buildings nearby and high and low are lit up. This scene with all the lights on is naturally more beautiful than when I watch it during the day. However, we are not in the mood to enjoy the scenery. It's past 7: 30, and we are a little hungry and tired. We are really hungry and tired. So I drove down the hill to the restaurant, and after serving, I couldn't help wolfing down. Eat when you are hungry. It really smells better than usual.