The theme of Salem's poems

1 The sky is colorful

What's on the wall?

Although the topic sentence is usually placed at the beginning of the sentence.

That's because the blasting sound is level 6, about 8000 words.

I know the rule is:

1. syllable is a pronunciation unit with vowels as the main body. Generally speaking, vowels are loud and can form syllables, while consonants are not loud and cannot form syllables alone (except [m] [n] [l]). Judging from the spelling of words, there are several syllables in several phrases. 0-0 1

2. Division of syllables ① When two syllables are adjacent to each other, one auxiliary phrase belongs to the previous syllable and the other belongs to the latter syllable.

For example: let-termem-berchil-drendaugh-ter

② When there is only one auxiliary phrase between two adjacent syllables, if the vowel of the previous syllable is a long vowel, the auxiliary phrase belongs to the next syllable, and if the vowel of the previous syllable is a short vowel, the auxiliary phrase belongs to the previous syllable.

For example, the long vowel pa-perstu-dentfa-therze-romo-torfar-ther.

Short vowel sev-en study mother ver-y mod-leweath-er 0-02

3. Stressed syllables are particularly loud syllables in syllable words. When phonetic symbols are used to mark the pronunciation of disyllabic words and polysyllabic words, stress symbols should be used. Most monosyllabic words are stressed syllables, so there is no need to use stressed symbols when marking pronunciation. 0-03

4. Open syllables ① Absolute open syllables: stressed syllables without auxiliary phrases after a single vowel letter. For example, there is no blue ba-by student secretary.

② Relatively open syllables: add a consonant letter after a single vowel letter and a stressed syllable consisting of the silent letter E. For example, name their bike Home Ex-Cushion.0-04.

5. a stressed syllable, with a single vowel letter, followed by an auxiliary phrase (except r w y) and ending with an auxiliary phrase. For example: fish with eggs in bags don't drink 0-05.

6. Stress rules of disyllabic words The first syllable of a disyllabic word is usually a stressed syllable.

For example:? Student? China? Seconds? au-tumn in-? action

Disyllabic words with a- be- de- re- in- ex- often stress the second syllable. The stress position of disyllabic words will not change because of adding prefixes or suffixes. For example:

Answer? Probably? fore? Is it okay? Pairing- At-? Ventilation 0-06

7. The stress rule of polysyllabic words is usually stressed on the penultimate syllable.

For example:? el-e-phant con-grat-u-? Latin America

Words ending in -ic or -ion or -sion are stressed on the syllables before -ic or -sion or -sion. For example: scien? tific im? Stress? nation

First, the pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables

Pronunciation examples of vowel word numbers

The name [ei] in the syllable at the beginning of a is 1-0 1.

In the closed syllable [? ] Bao Dad's hat figure black back 1-02

The syllables with e at the beginning [I:] They Me Chinese 1-03.

In the closed syllable [e] bedlet pen desk yes egg1-04.

At the beginning syllable [ai], my bike flies a beautiful kite 1-05.

In the closed syllable [I], fish drink and swim in milk 1-06.

On the first syllable [u], think close go hoe home no1-07.

In the closed syllable] the clock is not a box store sock 1-08.

U at the beginning syllable [ju:] Students are on duty on Tuesday 1-09.

Jump for lunch in the closed syllable [bus cup] 1- 10.

In the opening syllable, when the vowel letter U is followed by the consonant letter j l r s, the pronunciation is [u:], for example, June Lanchichao1-1.

Second, the pronunciation of vowels in unstressed syllables

Pronunciation examples of vowel word numbers

A [] Breakfast of another woman in China 2-0 1

[I] Tangzi Tongzhi Village Cabbage 2-02

E [] Opening Hours for 100 Students 2-03

[i] Chicken Pocket Begins for Children 2-04

I []/[I] Holiday Beautiful Family Animals 2-05

Exercise satellite 2-06

Someone welcomes 2-07 tonight.

[u] Yi Zero Photo 2-08

U [] Autumn Difficult 2-09

[ju(:)] Warm congratulations 1 2nd of the month-10

If A in the verb is in the position of opening syllable, A reads [ei], for example: operate 2- 1 1.

When u is in the position of the opening syllable, after the consonant j l r s, the pronunciation is [u(:)], for example, July affects February 2-12.

In unstressed syllables, the vowel letter a e i in many words can be pronounced as [] or [i].

Thirdly, the special pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables



Explanatory words

numerical symbols

A comes after [w]


What kind of watches do you want to wash?

3-0 1

A comes before F.


After planting a picture to ask Bingli to express her father.


I'm before -nd -ld and gh.


Found that children's lights are high


O before st -ld


Most postcards are always cold.


Before m n v th


Come on, monkey loves mom.


4. Pronunciation of -r syllable vowels in stressed syllables

Vowel pronunciation example word number


Ar follows [w] [α:] dark pencil sharpener 4-0 1 in the parking lot.

[:] April 2nd, a warm season.


Or after [w] [:] 40 am short 4-03

[:] word worker is even worse 4-04

Of course, bird Thursday 4-05

When the consonant R is written in pairs, the vowels in front of it cannot form -r syllables with R, but are pronounced according to the spelling rules of stressed closed syllables. Take a berry mirror with you Sorry, hurry up.


-r syllable vowel groups usually pronounce [] in unstressed syllables, for example, teacher Marty Comfort Saturday of Dollar.

Pronunciation of vowel group of -re syllable in verb (abbreviation of verb)

Vowel pronunciation example word number

5-0 1

There is only 5-02 here.

Fire rental line 5-03

5-04 Pre-ore [:] More scores

Ure [ju] pure cure 5-05

The complete -re syllable are ere ire rarely appears in unstressed syllables, and ure is pronounced as [] in unstressed syllables, such as picture pleasure.

Variants of -re syllables in unstressed syllables usually pronounce [r], such as salary 5-06.

When vowels in stressed syllables are added with R and unstressed phrases, vowels and R form variants of -re syllables, which are spelled according to the spelling rules of -re syllables, and the letter R is pronounced with [r].

Example: the inspiring story of parent zero.


Some commonly used words and disyllabic words often appear the phenomenon of long sound shortening.

For example: Orange Very American Forest Elf 5-08

Pronunciation of vowel groups in stressed syllables of intransitive verbs

Vowel pronunciation example word number

Ai/ay [ei] Play 6-0 1

Air [ε] air hair chair pair repair 6-02

aluminium (Al)

Al is in front of F M.

[:] Small ball talking wall all 6-03

[:l] Salt is almost 6-04 forever.

[α:] Semi-calm 6-05

Au/aw [:] autumn girl draw 6-06

Ea[I] Teaching is easy and cheap, please 6-07.

[e] Thick bread sweater Weather 6-08

[ei] Breakthrough 6-09

Ear [I] hear dear 6- 10 in recent Qing Dynasty.

[ε] Xiong Li wears swearing 6- 1 1

[:] Earth Early Education 6- 12

Ee [i:] Jeep Wednesday 6- 13

Eer [i] Pioneer Deer Beer 6- 14

Ei/ey [ei] Eight neighbors, 6- 15.

Eu /ew

After j l r [ju:], several new newspapers 6- 16

[u] Feiqi ornaments 6- 17

Ie/[s] is spelled as ei [I:] piece field receive cait 6- 18.

Oa [ou] coat Qiongzhou target 6- 19

Oar/oor [:] Roaring Board Door Floor 6-20

Oi/oy [i] Noise Point Boys' Toilet 6-2 1

Oo [u:] broom tooth school 6-22

[u] Reading a Chef's Feet Good 6-23

Ou/ow [au] greenhouse countdown 6-24

[u] Understanding throwing through 6-25

[] Young country 6-26

[u:] Group 6-Group 27

Our course, your four 6-28

Our Time Our 6-29

[:] Journey 6-30

User Interface(UI)

Ui is 6-3 1

[u] Fruit juice set 6-32

Nine, the pronunciation of auxiliary word groups

Number of pronunciation examples of auxiliary phrases

B [b] Bicycle bus package 9-0 1

[/] Bomb Tomb Lamb Climbing 9-02


C before E or before i/y [k] Cake picture jacket music 9-03

[s] Face decides the cinema 9-04

Ch [] A rich teacher with many chicks 9-05

[k] School Headache Chemistry 9-06

[] Chicago machine


-ck [k] cock pocket black knock 9-08

Doctor Bread Hand Day 9-09

-dge [] bridge refrigerator 9- 10

Doctor-[doctor] child driver drink 9- 1 1

May 4th Breakfast 9- 12


g before e I/y[]bag garden Go 9- 13

[] orange large Germany 9- 14

-Growth hormone

Gh- [f] Cough is rough enough 9- 15

[] Sorghum Noodle Ghost 9- 16

Gu-GUE [] Guess League Dialogue Guitar 9- 17

[w] penguin with depressed language 9- 18

Hot-headed householder 9- 19

[/] Honesty and Honor Time 9-20

J [] jeep jar jokes join July 9 -2 1

K [k] kind bicycle skateboard manufacturing week 9-22

Kn- [n] knife knows to knock 9-23.

L [l] Life Milk School is 9-24 high

Here comes the monkey. Tomatoes 9-25

-mn [m] autumn column solemn 9-26


N does not emit light before [k] [g] [n]. Notes 9-27

[? ] Uncle thanks for being hungry 9-28

-ng [? ] Morning Yang Wrong 9-29

P [p] Paper airplane pig boat pen 9-30

Elephant photo phone 9-3 1

-q/-que [k] Iraqi check 9-32

Qu- [kw] quality is equivalent to 9-33 quarters.

Red rubber ruler 9-34

S is at the beginning of a syllable or before a consonant.

Please sit on the sleeping table 9-35 before vowels or voiced consonants.

[z] Music Husband 9-36

Scottish Scarlet Scouts 9-37

[s] Muscle Science 9-38

Sh [] she Fish Shirt Washing 9-39

T under normal circumstances.

[t] Ten letters meet before the weak reading of the letter ia ie io 9-40

[] Patient country 9-4 1


[] Watch the catch game 9-42

Fourth, under normal circumstances,

Articles, pronouns, prepositional conjunctions

In the suffix -the -ther

[θ] Thin Thirty Method 9-43

[? ] These are 9-44 years compared with the same period last year.

[? ] Dressing Weather Dad 9-45

Tr- [tr] tree train country truck 9-46

Extraordinary voice loves to leave 9-47

W [w] Zhou win wake sweet wait 9-48

[/] Answer two 9-49.


Wh- Why WH is white before the letter o [w] 9-50

[h] Who screwed who's 9-5 1


[ks] Text box before stress vowel Exercise 9-52

[gz] Examples have exact 9-53.

Wr- [r] wrong wrist 9-54

Y- [j] yes yard boxwood 9-55

Z [z] Jigsaw Zero Zoo 9-56