I can do anything by the one who gives me strength!

Scripture: "I can do anything with him who gives me strength." (Phil. 4: 13)

One day we will find that we are weak and incompetent. "Even young people will be tired and sleepy, and strong people will fall down completely." (Isa. 40: 30) Human strength is not only limited, but also unreliable. It will show up when it is used, and it will be even more unsustainable after a long time, especially for spiritual things. At a certain time, people's strength is useless, almost as weak as water, and they can't stand, let alone do anything. This situation is terrible, especially on the battlefield. If you are tired and weak, it is very dangerous (Sam. 2 1: 15, 16).

Crime, discouragement, timidity and running at will are all reasons for losing strength (stone16:19; Kings19: 4; pro 24: 10; Sai 30: 15)。 On the other hand, we have a long and difficult road to go (Acts 14: 22), and we can't do it without the power given by God (1 Kings 19: 7, 8). Peter failed on his own, and Paul knew his weakness, so he relied on the Lord to give him strength (2 Cor. 12: 9; 1:12 in advance; 4: 15). Especially our inner weakness requires the Lord to be strong through his spirit (Ephesians 3: 16).

When we feel weak, we should come to God to pray and wait for us to be strong again. 40: 4 1). When we feel that we still have strength, it is the power of the Lord that sustains us. We must never leave the Lord, but always rely on his power to become strong (Ephesians 6:10; 3: 20), so as to make efforts on various things (West1:11; Psalm 84: 7), we can rely on him to give us strength to do everything.