Why are Jews called Jews?
The State of Israel began in Jeroboam, the son of Solomon, and was divided into two countries, namely, southern Judah and northern Israel. The word "Hebrew" first appeared in Genesis 14: 16. "An escaped man told Abram the Hebrew." At this time, Abram had left Harlan, where his father Tara lived, crossed the Euphrates River and arrived in Canaan via Egypt (Chuang 13: 12). Hebrew means "people on the other side of the river" or "people crossing the river". In the Book of Changes, it is often said that "it is good for big rivers", and the meaning of "it is good for big rivers" is similar to Hebrew. Abram was called from Ur (later the seat of Babylon, now the territory of Iraq) to cross the Euphrates River to the place indicated by the Lord God. When people saw him crossing the river with his family and animals, they exclaimed "Hebrew", which means he "crossed the river". Later, Hebrew became his name, indicating that he was from the other side of the river. When Abram was 99 years old and his wife was 90 years old, God appeared to him again, renamed him Abraham, and promised that they would have a son, Isaac, who was born a year later. When Isaac was forty, he married Rebekah. Twenty years later, he gave birth to twin brothers Esau and Jacob. Later, God changed Jacob's name to Israel. See article 32. So all the descendants of Jacob are called Israelites. Jacob gave birth to twelve sons, so there is another saying about the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve tribes in Israel live in the north and the south. When David or Solomon came to power, the north and the south maintained some kind of alliance. However, North and South countries are often divided. During the 345 years from 98 1 year BC to 586 BC, the southern part of China was basically ruled by Jewish tribes. Jews are called Jews, or Jews. This title appeared when Ahaz was king (see 2 Kings 16:6). Later, the king of Babylon invaded Jerusalem three times and sent a large number of Jews to Babylon until Darius issued a notice allowing quasi-Jews to go back and rebuild the holy city. At this time, the word Jew has included all the tribes in Israel. So generally speaking, Israelis and Jews are often used interchangeably.