What Shaojun resents is the helplessness of being unable to return to his home and country. The author's intention is to express his dissatisfaction with the marriage system and his deep sympathy for Wang Zhaojun. The poet used Wang Zhaojun's unfortunate experience of not being met by the emperor and being buried outside the Great Wall to express his tragic feelings of not being reused and having a lost life.
Although the main theme of the poem is about Zhaojun's "resentment", it is not written directly at the beginning. Instead, it leads from the poem about the wonders of the country to the beauty of the beauty, and then writes about Zhaojun's tragedy and its roots. , paving the way for pointing out "resentment", and finally clearly pointing out Zhaojun's resentment, pushing the feelings to the climax. The poet is wandering in a different place, far away from his hometown, and is in a similar situation to Zhaojun. He expresses his homesickness, and also uses Zhaojun's hatred for the extinct land to express his feelings of being lost and unable to use.