1. "Rolling Cabbage"
Roll, roll, roll the cabbage. After rolling the cabbage, I peel the cabbage;? Peel, peel, peel the cabbage; after peeling the cabbage, I wash the cabbage;? Wash, wash, wash the cabbage. After washing the cabbage, I cut the cabbage. Cut, cut, cut the cabbage. After cutting the cabbage, I stir-fry the cabbage. Stir-fry, stir-fry, stir-fry the cabbage. After the stir-frying the cabbage, I eat the cabbage - ah... woo!
2. "Five Fingers"
One finger points, two fingers curl, three fingers cross, four fingers bark, five fingers meow! Meow! Meow!
3. "Chicken Crying"
One chicken chirped; another chicken chirped; two puppies woofed; three sheep bleated; Four mice chirped; five geese cooed; six frogs cackled; seven crickets chirped; eight ducks squawked; nine turtle doves chirped.
4. "Fingers change and change"
One finger changes and changes, turning into a caterpillar crawling and crawling; two fingers change and changes, turning into a bunny jumping. Jump;? The three fingers change and change, turning into a kitten meow meow. The four fingers changed and changed, turning into a crab crawling and crawling; the five fingers changed and turning into a bird flying.
5. "Family"
The thumb is the father, and the father is the driver, driving the car, beeping; next to the father is the mother, washing the clothes, brushing; The tallest brother is playing basketball, bang bang bang bang. Next to the brother is the sister, who is dancing, bang bang bang. The youngest is me, playing the snare drum, dong dong dong.