Abstract sensuality, that is, the perceptualization of thoughts, is the direct combination of abstract thoughts and concrete feelings, "perceiving thoughts as you smell the fragrance of roses (Elliot)", externalizing thoughts or feelings. A method of creating poetry by transforming it into concrete and perceptible images is a common creative method in British metaphysical poetry and 20th century symbolic poetry. It was proposed by Valéry and developed by Eliot. (For reference only)
1. It is a pattern or technique. When used as a pattern, it often uses symbols, hints, metaphors, paradoxes and other techniques to achieve obscure and subtle characteristics.
2. It is mainly parasitic on later symbolist poetry and Chinese symbolism school, as well as the symbolic poetry that exists today
3. It has already existed, but as a concept and creative technique It was widely recognized and used only from the hands of late Symbolist poets.