I didn't tell Linfen how there were green codes and yellow codes.

There is no Linfen green code to yellow code, which may be because the nucleic acid detection is not in place or has been in contact with COVID-19 patients.

The green code is a green QR code representing our personal health; The yellow code indicates that the resident has been to the risk area or had close contact with the confirmed case, and the yellow code is sent to him; Red team said that the current personnel are suspected cases, fever cases or even confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected persons.

If the health code of residents changes from green to yellow, it may be inferred that the following conditions exist: 1, and the health status is abnormal and the symptoms are similar, such as fever and respiratory symptoms. 2. Returnees from other places need to be isolated at home 14 days. 3. Have had time and space with the confirmed patients within 14 days. Spatio-temporal accompaniment is a new epidemic term here, which means staying in the same spatio-temporal grid with the confirmed patient within 14 days (usually taking 800 m *800 m as the detection range) and * * * staying 10 minute. After the system is tested, the health code will turn yellow.