Masters of the imagery represented by water, please help me.

Guan Guan Jiu Jiu in the River Island, My Fair Lady, Gentleman Haoqiu. The "river" refers to the Yellow River, mainly the section of the river in Zhengzhou. Since then, the Book of Songs has written a lot about water, most of which was fresh water. After all, ancient people needed to live close to water sources, so love stories would also happen in places with many people. At the same time, water also represents a kind of distance in the Book of Songs. We often say "one water separates", which is what it means. Water can represent a situation, the insurmountable gap between two people, and sometimes the helpless situation of the protagonist. In addition, there is a saying that "the best is like water". Water is great and its essence will never change no matter what form it takes. Pure water can allude to love.