On the eight-character pattern of Jinshui wounded officials, Jinshui wounded officials like to meet officials: Jinshui wounded officials, which means that Jin Rigan was born in winter. As mentioned in the last wounded official, the golden sun was born in winter, and its life was cold. If there is no Mars to warm life, there is no chance of growth. Fire is the official of gold, so I like to watch the official star, and the golden water hurts the official (as does the golden water god of food). If life is not marked by Mars, there is no chance of growth. However, the pattern of jinshui's injury to officials should be prosperous, and it will have great effects and high wealth. Otherwise, the weak will be exhausted, and it will not be America. Rich people should be lucky, rich people, and weak people should be rich. Is the model of seeing the injured official a failure? As the saying goes, it is a curse to hurt an official and see an official. It is inaccurate to insist on this sentence. Some injured officials can't see them, while others can. "Didi Tiangang" thinks that the injured official and the official are difficult to distinguish, and they can't be seen or seen.
Then, under what circumstances can I see an official and under what circumstances can I not see an official?
If the sun is shining and an official is injured, money can be used to relieve the injury. If there is a robbery in the eight characters, you can see the official. If you are robbed, don't see an official. When the sun is weak, it hurts the official, and the seal hurts the body. Obviously, officials can't see wealth, because officials can be born in order. If the sun is weak, the official injury is comparable to robbery, so avoid seeing the official star.
If the sun is shining and there is no financial officer, it is appropriate to use the injured officer, who likes to see the financial injury and avoids seeing the official seal. If the sun is booming, there are many robberies, the wealth star is weak, and the official injury is light, you can use the official and like to see money.
In short, you can't see an official if you are injured, but you can't memorize dogmas by rote. Generally speaking, when the sun is weak, it helps to rob the body, and when it comes to officials, it is a disaster. There is a seal in the bureau, and the official seal and the official seal are born together, which is both a blessing and a blessing.
Wounded officials use seals, and eight characters have no money. Running a prosperous place can be distinguished, and running money hurts the prosperous township owner. Wounded officials use money. If you run a place that is prosperous and hurts your health, you will get wealth. If you run a prosperous place, you will be poor and dissolute. The injured officials used robbery, which was expensive to run Wang Yin to rob the land.