Epic movie means epic movie.
epic movie
English [?ep?k ?mu?vi] American [?ep?k ?mu?vi]?
Epic movie; epic piece.
Can't you see what a beautiful epic movie that would make?
Can't you see what a beautiful epic movie that would make?
Can't you see what a beautiful epic movie that would make?
So many actors want to be in epic movie.
Many actors want to be in epic movie.
So in this big epic movie, everybody is an extra.
So in this historical movie, everyone is an extra.
As its running time suggests, The Dark Knight Rises is a sprawling, epic feast of a movie, with side characters, subplots and diversions.
You can tell from the length of the film It turns out that "The Dark Knight Rises" is definitely a magnificent movie feast, and even the supporting characters, subplots and entertainment are very brilliant.