2. Poppies bloom in millions. Who broke his heart by eating bones? I advise you not to be poisoned. It is the right way to cherish your body.
Maybe you can't be shaken by the death of your family, maybe you can't be awakened by the separation of your wife and children. However, please stop and listen carefully to the cry of every tragic life: life is priceless, cherish life; Drugs are ruthless, cherish life! Maybe the destruction of countless innocent lives can't wake you up, and maybe the cruel fate of countless people can't surprise you. But you must calm down and listen to the advice of fate: if you continue to take drugs, only yourself and your family will get hurt!
Dying ants, as long as they are alive, will persistently fight their fate to the end. Lost people and ignorant people, you can also take the right path. As long as we fight drugs to the end, life will be brighter and brighter!
5, poppy, so enchanting and fragrant. Let the young heart be full of fantasy. The result was a nightmare. Poppy, so fresh and fragrant. Let the young heart dare not look at each other. The harvest is lost and sad. Be careful, son.
Drugs can broadly refer to chemical substances that can cause harm to human body (especially some highly toxic drugs such as KCN), and can also refer to functional drugs abused by human beings as hobbies in daily life, mostly psychotropic drugs or narcotic drugs. Because the abuse of such drugs will endanger physical and mental health, it is called drugs in Chinese. Drugs are usually only used for physical or psychological entertainment purposes, not for physical or psychological treatment, so they are called recreational drugs in the west. Drugs are usually addictive, and over time, the body's demand for drug dosage will increase. After taking drugs, people will have hallucinations and may lead to abnormal behavior, and taking too much drugs will lead to death. All countries have enacted relevant laws to strictly control the use of drugs.
1, the harm of drug abuse to society
(1) Harm to families: Once drug addicts appear at home, the family will be gone. When drug addicts destroy themselves, they also destroy their families, leaving them in the predicament of economic bankruptcy, separation of relatives and even family destruction.
(2) Great damage to social productive forces: drug abuse first leads to physical illness and affects production, followed by great loss and waste of social wealth. At the same time, drug activities have also caused environmental deterioration and narrowed the living space of human beings.
(3) Drug activities disrupt social order: the intensification of drug activities induces various illegal and criminal activities, disrupts social order and poses a great threat to social stability. No matter how you take drugs, it will do great harm to your health.
2. Physical and mental harm of drug abuse
(1) Physical dependence is a strong dependence caused by repeated medication.
Drugs act on the human body, making the human body adapt to changes and forming a new equilibrium state under the action of drugs. Once the drug is stopped, the physiological function will be disordered and a series of serious reactions will occur. This is the so-called withdrawal reaction, which makes people feel very painful. In order to avoid withdrawal reaction, drug addicts must take drugs regularly and constantly increase the dose, so that drug addicts can not live without drugs all day.
(2) Mental dependence
After drugs enter the human body, they act on the human nervous system, which makes drug addicts have a strong desire to take drugs and drives them to desperately seek and use drugs. Once mental dependence occurs, even after detoxification treatment, it often takes months or even years to fully restore the original physiological function after the withdrawal reaction in the acute stage is basically controlled. More seriously, dependence on drugs is difficult to eliminate. This is the reason why many drug addicts take drugs again and again, and it is also an urgent problem to be solved in the world medical community.
(3) the mechanism of drug harm to human body
At present, heroin is the most popular and harmful drug in China, and heroin belongs to opium lamp drug. Endogenous opioid peptides and opioid receptors exist in normal brain and some organs. Under normal circumstances, endogenous opioid peptides act on opioid receptors and regulate people's emotions and behaviors. After taking heroin, people inhibit the production of endogenous opioid peptides and gradually form a balanced state under the action of heroin. Once heroin is stopped, they will have symptoms such as anxiety, cold and hot, goose bumps, tears, runny nose, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The pain of this withdrawal reaction in turn urges drug addicts to do everything possible to maintain drug use in order to avoid this pain. Methamphetamine and ecstasy are central stimulants in pharmacological action, which destroy people's nerve center.