Teachers are engineers of human souls. Theteacherishumansoulengeer.
This selfless dedication is unforgettable. Theselflessdedication,akid.
A good teacher is better than thousands of books. A good teacher, and more anthousandsofbooks.
and the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die, and every night the candles will weep their wicks away. Trytodeadsilk,ended, candlesburn.
The spring breeze of teachers bathes my heart every day. Teachersinthespringbreze, massagemyheartdaybyday.
People who work hard in the heat and cold. Intheextremesofheatandcoldhardworkpeople.
Teacher, you are the sower of this hope and happiness. Teacher, youarethehopeandappinessseeder.
Forever and ever, a teacher's "childlike innocence" never dies. Theteachernevervanishedchildlikeeinnocenceglebesold.
The most glorious profession in the sun is a teacher. TeacheristhmostGlorious CareerUndertheSun.
Touching conversation can heal the trauma of children's hearts. MovingtheConversation, Tohealthkids.
Teachers' morality is very good, the teaching system is rigorous, and the work is serious. Ethicsisverygood, the teaching system is rigorous, work carefully.
With thousands of times of hard work, peaches and plums are fragrant all over the garden. Withonethousandtimesforhepachegardensweet.
Teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others. Teacherlikehandle, burnyourselffouttogivelighttools.
I will use the brush you gave me to add a bright color to myself. iwilluseyoutobrush,addabrightcolorforyourself.