Original text: In the seven hundred miles from the Three Gorges, there are mountains on both sides, with no gaps; the mountains are stacked with mountains, hiding the sky and the sun: at midnight from Feiting, there is no bright moon. As for Xiashui Xiangling, it is blocked along the way. Or if the king's order is urgently announced, sometimes he will send the White Emperor in the morning and arrive at Jiangling in the evening. During the journey of 1,200 miles, even if he rides on the wind and rides on the wind, he will not be sick. In spring and winter, the green pool is green and the reflection is clear. In the mountains there grow many grotesque cypresses, with springs and waterfalls hanging down between them. It's clear, majestic, majestic and full of interest. Every sunny day, at the beginning of frost, the woods are cold and the streams are austere. A tall ape often calls out, which is very bleak. There is a sound in the empty valley, and the sorrow lasts for a long time. Therefore, the fisherman sang: "The Badong Three Gorges and the Wu Gorge are long, and the apes cry three times and shed tears on their clothes!" . The layers of the cliff, the layers of rock, obscured the sky and the sunlight. If it is not noon and midnight, the sun and moon cannot be seen. In summer, the water covers the hills on both sides of the river, and the upstream and downstream waterways are blocked. Sometimes the emperor's orders had to be conveyed quickly. He would leave Baidi City in the morning and arrive at Jiangling in the evening. There were one thousand two hundred miles apart, and even if he was riding a galloping horse or flying in the wind, it wouldn't be so fast. In spring and winter, the white rapids swirl with clear waves; the deep green pool reflects the mountains on both sides. In the high mountains, there grows many odd-shaped cypress trees, in the mountains, often suspended springs and waterfalls whipping. Clear water, tree Rong, precipitous mountains, lush green grass, it is really interesting. Every time it clears up after a rain or in the early morning on a frosty day, the woods and mountains are deserted and desolate. There are often apes chirping from high places, and the sound is continuous and extremely shrill. It echoed in the empty valley and took a long time to disappear. So the fishermen sang: "The Badong Three Gorges and the Wu Gorge are long, and the apes cry three times and shed tears on their clothes."