If you are not a fish, you will know the happiness of fish. You are not a fish, how do you know that fish is happy?
If it weren't for me, I know I don't know the happiness of fish? You're not me. How do you know I didn't know fish were happy?
I am not a child, but I don't know children; Zi Gu is not a fish, but he doesn't know the joy of fish! I am not you, although I don't know you; You are not a fish, you don't know the happiness of fish, that's for sure!
Please follow the book. Confucius said, "You know a lot about fish." He asked me because he knew what I knew. I know this city. Please start with our original topic. If you say' where do you know that fish are happy', you already know that I know that fish are happy and ask me. You'll know it on Haoshui Bridge.