Request the full text of the poem "The Silence of Spring" written by Christina Rossetti

Spring Quiet

Christina Georgina RossettiChristina Rossetti

Translated by Li Jingqi

Gone were but the Winter,

Come were but the Spring,

I would go to a covert

Where the birds sing;

Winter leaves,< /p>

Spring is coming;

In the shelter,

Listen to the birdsong;

Where in the whitethorn

Singeth a thrush,

And a robin sings

In the holly-bush.

Hawthorn forest,

Thrush sings;

Holly bushes singing


Full of fresh scents

Are the budding boughs

Arching high over

A cool green house:

The branches are sprouting,

the fragrance is flowing,

the green house is cool,

it is placed on it.

Full of sweet scents,

And whispering air

Which sayeth softly:

"We spread no snare;

The fragrance floats,

The air whispers

Speak softly:

"We will not set up a trap;

"Here dwell in safety,

Here dwell alone,

With a clear stream

And a mossy stone.

"It is safe to live here,


Living alone here,

there is a clear stream,

with stones and moss green.

"Here the sun shineth

Most shadily;

Here is heard an echo

Of the far sea,

Though far off it be."

"There is sunshine here,

and more shade;

can hear the sea

The echo sounded,

Although it came from afar,"