Peter (10)

The Catholic Apostle Peter is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was the first disciple chosen by Jesus. Because the meaning of "Peter" can be interpreted as "pebble", Jesus sometimes called him "Cephas" (κ ε φ α? ), which means "small stone" in Aramaic. He is considered to be the first pope chosen by Jesus Christ. Before his arrest, Jesus predicted that Peter would deny knowing him three times before the cock crowed. As a result, he refused to admit his relationship with Jesus three times because he was afraid of Jesus' trial. Peter has always regretted this. So later when he was martyred in Rome, he asked the executioner to hang him upside down on the cross, because he felt that he was not worthy of Jesus. After Jesus' resurrection, in response to his refusal to recognize each other three times, he also asked Peter to feed his sheep (believers) three times, and predicted that he would be punished like himself in the future. After martyrdom, Peter was buried in the catacombs in Rome. His grave is under the altar of today's Vatican church. Because his tomb is painted according to Roman custom, his image has not changed much in many works of art for thousands of years. He wrote two letters (1 Peter and 2 Peter) in the New Testament. Its anniversary is June 29th, which is celebrated together with the memorial ceremony in Sao Paulo. Peter's real name is Simon, and his brother Andrew followed Jesus with another disciple on the recommendation of his teacher John the Baptist. Andre immediately took his brother to see Jesus. When the Lord saw him, he said, "You are Simon, the son of John, and you will be called Peter" (about 1: 35-42). This is the first time he has seen Jesus. The power of the Lord-once, Jesus was on the sea of Galilee, because people crowded him to listen to God, so the Lord borrowed Peter's boat to make it offshore. He taught everyone on board. After the sermon, Peter was invited to go fishing in deep water. Although Peter will say that he worked hard all night last night and caught nothing, he did as Jesus instructed and cast a net to catch two boats full of fish. At this time, Peter saw the power of the Lord Jesus and felt deeply unworthy. At the call of Jesus, he gave up everything and followed Jesus. The expression of faith knows the way to eternal life-once, Jesus talked about food falling from the sky, and many people quit following Jesus because they only paid attention to the body and didn't understand these truths; When Jesus saw this situation, he asked the twelve disciples if they wanted to leave. Peter said categorically, "Lord!" " You have the way of eternal life, to whom can we turn? (John 6: 58-68) Knowing Christ-Jesus did many miracles to prove his identity in the process of preaching the gospel, but many people talked about who he was because they didn't understand. So Jesus asked his disciples about this, and Peter immediately replied, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God" (Matthew. 16: 13- 16). He was praised by Jesus because he was not influenced by others. Weak faith means consideration-once, Jesus explicitly instructed his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and be killed by elders, priests and scribes, but he will be resurrected on the third day; At this time, Peter grabbed him and advised him not to go up to Jerusalem. He loves the Lord, but he doesn't understand God's will, so the Lord immediately rebuked him: "You don't care about God's will, but only people's will" (Matthew. 16: 2 1-23). Denied the Lord three times-When the Lord Jesus was arrested and tried in the guild, Peter denied Jesus three times in a row (Matthew. 26: 69-74), although not long ago he vowed to express his determination to sacrifice for Jesus Christ (Matthew. 26: 3 1-35), this is his weakness and his failure, so he went out to cry (Matt. 26: 75). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the apostles of Jesus had a lot of weakness when they didn't receive the promised Holy Spirit, but when the Holy Spirit fell on them, their lives were renewed, and they gained strength and worked bravely and actively for Jesus, such as Peter's performance after receiving the Holy Spirit: the brave testimony on Pentecost-the Holy Spirit fell on his disciples on Pentecost, which attracted many people to watch, and Peter stood up and gave a loud testimony to the Lord. Leading many people to repent and believe in the Lord (Acts)-Peter performed many miracles through the presence of God, such as making the lame walk (Acts 3: 1- 10). The first time to preach the gospel to foreigners-Peter, led by the Lord, went to see Cornelius, a devout Italian, and told them about the salvation of the Lord Jesus. When he saw that the Holy Spirit had fallen on them, he baptized them and preached to the Gentiles for the first time, indicating that the salvation of the Lord Jesus would spread to all people, so that believers would no longer be divided into race, class and the family of God. The governance of the church was judged: after the establishment of the church in the Apostolic era, many people sold all their possessions and gave all their money to the church because they loved their Lord and loved their loved ones (Acts 4: 34). One of them was Ananias, and the husband and wife also sold their own land, but they were not confident enough and had a good face. They left some money and took the rest to the apostles, saying it was all the money. Peter was moved by the Holy Spirit and immediately pointed out. Deacon: At that time, the number of believers increased rapidly, and everyone shared everything and lived together. Therefore, in order to properly handle the supply of the apostles' life, the disciples chose the deacon (Acts 6: 1-6) to solve the supply. 2006-11-2003: 59: 59 Supplement: Other deeds humbly accept Paul's criticism-from Galatians 2:114, and Paul accused Peter of being wrong, from 2 Peter 3: 66. 1: 10- 12; 1 Peter 1: 12- 18), written in 1 Peter and 2 Peter.

Peter Simon

Petrus Simon, the Greek translation of Aramaic word "sculpture" (rock), is the most outstanding and important of the twelve apostles of Jesus, the leader of the apostles, the supreme leader of the church and the most authoritative. He was born in Beit Saida, and his original name was Simon (if 1:42). His brother's name is Andre, and he lives by fishing (if1:44; Luke 5: 10). Legend has it that he is an ignorant villager and a poor fisherman, which is not practical, because, from various hints in the Bible, we know that the two of them come from a well-off family, have their own fishing jobs, and probably have their own fish shop by the lake Galilee. These two brothers are religious fanatics, so they left their homes and went south to Judah to listen to the sermon of John the Baptist (John 1:35-42). His father's name is Jonah (Ma 16: 17), also known as John (Gospel of John 1:42). Peter married and lived with his mother-in-law in Capernaum (Ma 8:14; Valley1:29; Luke 4:38). But from the gospels before 9:5, we can't know whether his wife was still alive when Jesus called them. Gospels and religious accounts of Peter's life: Peter is mentioned in 16 1 in these two books, far more than other apostles. There can only be a comprehensive report here. When Jesus first met Peter, he gave him the nickname "The Rock" (John 1:42). From the beginning, he shared John and James, became one of Jesus' three beloved disciples, and became a witness of Jesus' omnipotence, glory and humiliation (Luke 8: 51; Ma17:1; Valley 9: 2; Luke 9: 28; Article 26:37 of the Arbitration Model Law; Valley 14:33). However, the biggest turning point in his life should be that Jesus told everyone from Peter's fishing boat to fish in the net. Although Peter worked in vain all night, he plunged into the net as Jesus told him. Knowing that he had caught a net full of big fish, he had to call his fishing partners, Sebald's two sons John and Jacob, to help him. When Peter saw this miracle, he knelt down in panic and said, "Lord, please leave me, because I am a sinner." But Jesus said to him, "Don't be afraid. From now on, you are a fisherman who catches people. Sure enough, Peter gave up everything and followed Jesus (Luke 5:4- 1 1). After Jesus showed the miracle of five loaves and two fish, people deliberately forced Jesus to be their king. Jesus first sent his apostles across the sea (Lake Galilee) to take shelter from the wind for the time being. In the middle of the night, while the apostles were boating in the sea, Jesus appeared to them. When the apostles were slightly shocked and recognized that it might be Jesus, Peter asked to walk on the water and walk to the place where Jesus stood. Jesus said, "Come on! Sure enough, he got off the boat and strode on the water, but he didn't go far. When he saw the fierce water, he became afraid and began to sink. He shouted, "Lord, help me!" " Jesus pulled him up and rebuked him for his lack of confidence (Mal. 14:22-3 1), but its bold character can be seen. After listening to Jesus' communion sermon, the people and disciples were very dissatisfied and full of complaints. They left Jesus, left him. At this time, Jesus asked the apostles, "Are you willing to go, too? Peter came forward and said, "Lord! If you have eternal life, who should we turn to for help? We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God "(John 6:60-69). From this, we can draw the conclusion that Peter is an outspoken person. Shortly after this incident, in Caesarea, Philippi, Peter once again showed his straightforward character. On behalf of other disciples, he admitted that Jesus was "the eternal son of the Messiah" (mar 16: 16.

19), that is, at this opportunity, Jesus saw that the time was ripe and solemnly promised him the position of church leader: "Simon, Jonah's son ... you are Peter (Rock). On this rock, I will build my church, and the gate of the underworld will never defeat her. I will give you the key to the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth will also be bound in heaven. " What you release on the ground will also be released in the sky "(Ma 16: 17- 19). At the last supper, when Jesus wanted to wash Peter's feet for the first time, Peter said bluntly out of respect for Jesus, "No, you must not wash my feet"! However, after hearing the Lord's rebuttal, he was frank and even said with a sense of humor, "Lord! "Not only my feet, but also my hands, wash them for me! (If 13:4- 10). Then Jesus predicted that Peter would deny himself three times that night. Hearing this, Peter boasted, "Even if I die with you, I will never disown you" to show my loyalty to Jesus, but it was too rash. However, he did try his best to show his loyalty to Jesus. That night, with a sword in his hand, he rushed to the soldiers who arrested Jesus and the servant of the high priest. The sword cut off the servant muldoon's right ear, and he was reprimanded by Jesus (Mal. 26:5 1-54; Road 22: 50-51; if 18: 10- 1 1)。 Because this is completely inconsistent with Jesus' teaching, at this time Peter is not only bold, but also a little bold; But there is no doubt that his heart is upright, completely out of loyalty and love for Jesus. At this time, Peter was really at a loss. Seeing that Jesus had put his hand down to catch him, he took the best plan, but he didn't escape far, and he felt unwilling. He should explain his loyal commitment to Jesus and turn to "follow Jesus at a distance" (March 26:58, etc.). After a hopeful relationship, he was able to enter the courtyard of the high priest and watch the end of Jesus' case nearby. Here he was asked three times whether he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter denied it three times and stressed that he had nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus turned to look at him, and then Peter woke up like a dream and ran outside the yard and wept bitterly (Mar. 26: 69-75; Such as 18: 15- 18, etc. The first apostle who appeared after Jesus' resurrection was Peter (Luke 24:34). He listened to Jesus' instructions and led other apostles north to Galilee to resume fishing. One morning, while it was still hazy, Jesus was standing by the lake (Lake Galilee) and was immediately recognized by John. In high spirits, Peter jumped into the water and swam to the shore to meet Jesus. This morning, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved himself (the Lord Jesus). In view of the big mistake of betraying the Lord in the past, Peter has been wary, and he dare not be brave again. He only humbly promised three times: "Lord, yes, you know I love you." Jesus saw that the time was ripe and Peter's mental state was ready, and then Jesus formally entrusted him with the highest authority of the church he had promised him (John 2 1). On the day of the arrival of the Holy Spirit, after the apostles accepted the Holy Spirit, Peter took the lead and preached to the onlookers on behalf of other apostles. On that day, 3,000 people went back to be baptized (Example 2: 14-4 1). A few days later, when Peter and John entered the temple to pray, they cured a viviparous cripple, which aroused curious onlookers. He took the opportunity to report that another 5,000 people turned back, were arrested by the public Council, and were released the next day (Acts 3-4:22). Peter has been the leader of this new group since the birth of the church. He arranged to elect Matthias as a disciple (case 1: 15-26) and punished the criminal couple Ananias and Safira (case 5:2- 1 1). His reputation spread quickly, and many patients came to see him. Even if the patient moves the edge of the clothes or lets his own shadow pass over him, he will be cured (case 5: 14- 16). He was also the first person to inspect the church in Samaria (8: 14-25). At this time, Ye Jing's public meeting could not last long, but he ordered the arrest of the apostles again. This time, Peter's representative spoke to refute the irrationality of the public meeting. Then he was whipped and released (case 5: 17-42). From then on, Peter had to go abroad from Ye Jing, cure the paralyzed Aeneas in Rita, resurrect the dead Tabida in Jopei (Example 9:32-43), and accept Cornelius, the centurion of the Italian battalion, and his whole family to be baptized in Caesarea (Example 10). About 42 AD, Herod Agrippa began to persecute the church, killed the great jacoby Sect and put Peter in prison, but with the help of angels, he escaped. At this point, Peter knew that the holy land was no longer a place to live for a long time, but "went elsewhere" (zong 12:3- 17). Although the Bible does not clearly indicate where he went, most scholars agree and advocate that Peter went to Rome at this time. At that time, a group of Jewish friends in Rome had naturalized in Ye Jing on Pentecost, so Peter was not a complete stranger in Rome. On the contrary, he must be very popular. From then on, Rome became the center of the church, and Peter of Rome began to manage the affairs that dominated the whole church. Two official letters to believers in Asia Minor also came from Rome (see 1 Peter 5: 13). But he did not settle in Rome, but tried his best to inspect the educational administration. So in A.D. 49, we saw him reappear in Ye Jing to preside over the first meeting of apostles (for example, 15:6-2 1, see Gaia 2: 1- 10). Later, he went to Antioch, where he had a little conflict with Paul. Originally, at the Ye Jing Conference, it was decided that the church should treat all those who turned to the church equally, and should not distinguish between Jews and laity. However, Peter, who has always been straightforward and decisive, rashly indirectly supported the people who returned from Judaism in Antioch, which aroused the dissatisfaction and frustration of those who returned from foreign teachers. Based on the sense of justice, Paul strongly opposed the ambiguous attitude of the apostles and pointed out the resulting increase. Peter knew he had to be reasonable and resigned, which ended the storm. However, since then, the two men have cooperated closely, and there is no sign of estrangement, so that the church has often compared their names from ancient times to the present, and the so-called Peterism and Paularism based on the early church are untenable (see Zong 15:7- 12). As for Peter's other missionary journey, there are not many records in the Bible, which are far less clear than Paul's journey. When Nero persecuted the church, Peter suffered a fatal death from the Lord in about * * * to 67, and was buried in the Vatican Mountain at that time, where Peter's Cathedral was located the day after tomorrow. Since ancient times, many legends have consistently supported this fact. 1940 to 1949 archaeological excavations under the main hall further confirmed the correctness of this legend: the correct position under the dome of the main hall is the location of the tomb of the first Pope Peter of the Holy Church. However, in the middle of the 3rd century, when Emperor Valeriano was struggling with the church, Peter's body was moved to the grottoes in Saint Sebastian to avoid falling into the hands of persecutors and being desecrated, but it was quickly moved to the original site and reburied.

Reverend Garbelli.

Father Peter ·PIME * was born in Italy: [1 1 25th 1875] * Ordnance: [1June 1900] * Arrived in Hong Kong: [September 30th1900]. According to the telegram from Lisbon, Portugal, it gave us a loss of voice: Peter's father is farewell forever. Peter's father is familiar with English speakers, especially students. He can't speak Chinese, but he can speak several Indian dialects. He is tall, with a loud voice and a long beard, so many people call him "the father of bearded God". People who come to the main hall often see him wearing blue goggles and walking slowly in the main hall after dinner. He is good at asking questions. He has been a teacher for a long time, and many immortals in Xianggang are also his high feet. But he is not too modest and doesn't like it very much. He is in poor health, so this distinction is often cautious. However, he doesn't like to say much, but every word is unforgettable. His famous saying also promised that "life should have some flavor of philosophy and learning." While living in Hong Kong, he also compiled a prayer list in English. Peter's father's original name was Peter Gabelli. 1875 was born in Xiazhina. 1June 900, he was promoted to Tudor. In Milan Palace, saints filled this hall for three years. 1903 joined the Milan Missionary Society, 1904 preached in Hyderabad, India, and was the head of the city's public education school. 1924, he became the head of Notre Dame branch in Milan. Indeed, he moved to various schools. 1933, feeling strong, he came to Hong Kong at the call of the Catholic Church to work as a teacher at St. Joseph's Bookstore, and repeatedly talked about silence and reason at various meetings. /kloc-left hong kong in 0/940, returned to Italy with the godfather of the guru, and arrived in Venice to participate in the war. When I arrived, my throat was sick. 194/kloc-0 died on July 2 1 year, enjoying a life of 67 years. I think the paternal line of God Betorus is a humble man. Although he is very learned, he is never proud, which is really worth learning.
