How to use punctuation in English?

Basic usage of English punctuation;

I. Comma

1. Used for content separation or pause between modifiers in a sentence.

2. Used before conjunctions (and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet) in coordinate names.

3. Used to indicate the date between the day and the year.

4. Used before ambiguous questions

Two. period

1. Used at the end of a sentence.

2. Abbreviations used to represent words

Three. question mark

1. Used after a direct question.

2. Used after a specific greeting

Four. colon

1. Used before formal reference.

Verbs (short for verb) are connected by hyphens.

1. used after some prefixes.

2. Used to form compound words

3. Used for the line break of the same word

An intransitive verb apostrophe

1. constitutes the possessive case of a noun.

2. Abbreviations of predicative verbs

Seven. double quotation mark

1. Used to introduce direct speech.

Eight. exclamation mark

1. Used in sentences expressing exclamation and surprise.

Extended data:

There are three main types of punctuation errors in actual combat:

1. I have a weak understanding of punctuation, so I can use it casually. For example, use Chinese period (. ) to end the sentence; Comma, period, uppercase and lowercase, all messed up; Don't put a question mark after the question, and don't put a question mark after the indirect speech.

Misuse: He came up to me and asked me what was wrong.

Analysis: This sentence is a declarative sentence, and the questions it contains are indirect speech. Naturally, it should end with a period and the word order should be adjusted.

He came up to me and asked me what was wrong.

He came up to me and asked me what was going on.

I don't understand the sentence structure. Chinese period is used according to the speaker's semantics, that is, after a complete expression; In English, a period is used according to the structure, that is, every sentence with complete grammatical meaning is followed by a period. This situation is very common in exercises.

1: I didn't go to the party yesterday. Because I have too much housework to do.

Analysis: In this sentence, the sentence caused by is not complete from the grammatical point of view, but subordinate to the previous sentence (adverbial clause of cause), so the two sentences cannot be separated by a period.

I didn't go to the party yesterday. Because I have too much housework to do.

I didn't go to the party yesterday because I had too much homework to do.

3. The usage of punctuation marks in Chinese and English is confusing.

Misuse 1: Hearing what he said, Jack said to himself, "Should I believe him?"

Analysis: As a punctuation mark in Chinese and English, colon is often used after verbs such as "say, say, say, ask, sing, answer, shout, shout" or "give an example" in Chinese, but in this case, only comma is needed in English.

Hearing what he said, Jack said to himself, "Should I believe him?"

Jack heard what he said and said to himself, "Should I believe him?"