Xu Zhimo once said: "Life is just the distance from afternoon to dusk, and herbal tea is all in the air." Life is so short, but how lucky I am to spend three or four hours in this pool, and the strings on the shore ring once or twice. Is the best age to meet you.
People's life is Wan Li's rivers and mountains, and there are countless passers-by. Your appearance made my mountains and rivers collapse, the sun and the moon were dull, and the world background lost its color. And you bring your own light, dazzling, like an empty valley, blowing a spring breeze, from then on, you are my mountains and rivers, my sun and moon, my world.
Quiet as water, elegant and profound. That was my low point. I shed tears in a world of self-sadness, and I couldn't sleep in the dark until dawn. I used to think of it as forever and change it to killing. I was ready for rolling in the deep, but I never thought that someone would lend me a helping hand in the dark. From then on, "I have a bouquet of flowers born in the hot sun, which is more fragrant than all the wine." The scorching fragrance drowned the scarecrow's chest and the spirit of the grass, and I will live forever. " At that time, I never thought that it would be a wonderful time for you from then until now and for a long time to come.
As stable as mountains and rivers, Zhong Ling is sparse and beautiful. Goethe once said, "People who haven't cried for too long are not enough to talk about life." Then the tears we left for the unfinished homework in the dark are not enough for me to know in my life. It's just that in the process of getting to know you and becoming friends, your steadiness and delicacy have a subtle influence on me. With the growth of age, it will be a few years in a blink of an eye. I gradually accept my imperfections, bid farewell to the past and welcome the future. I believe that one day we will be qualified to be better people and talk about the long road of life.
One dream at a time, one rain. When I was young, there were mountains and rivers in my heart. "Looking for a Seal in a Stone in the Past" said, "Although we have weathered the wind and frost, thousands of miles of rocky mountains and seas have crossed the border, even if the road of life is rough and rough, teenagers will be proud of themselves", which shows that youth is youthful and green hills are faint. Even if we finally arrive, even if the road we are pursuing is confused and far away, we will always be on the road and will eventually reach that distant place.
Li is a person, and Jun is a product. You have both the elegance of Jiangnan women and the good character of a gentleman. "Where you walked, the world began to wake up. I saw wild flowers growing along the fanatics, snow falling on the treetops and cold plums in full bloom. I saw cicadas singing and the scorching sun.
Your brilliance is like a mist over the mountains, overwhelming and everywhere. The most beautiful thing in this world is to meet you and then meet yourself.