Taste ironed out the twists and turns of the current scenery. His students praised him and said: "On poetry, it is more than crossing the south, and the grass took a fancy to the Northern Expedition"; An old man in the Song Dynasty praised him and said, "The predecessors commented on Song Guonan's poems and imitated Du Fu and Yi with Lu Wuguan."
It is the realm that Du Fu lacks, so it is not very accurate to say that Lu You is "the same as Chongjuan", and he has not realized his own uniqueness. His patriotism permeated Lu You.
Throughout his life, it permeates all his works; When he saw a picture of a horse, he met some flowers. Hearing a wild goose, drinking a few glasses of wine and writing a few lines of cursive script will arouse the feelings of patriotic revenge, and his blood will boil.
Moreover, this upsurge rushed out of the boundary of his sober life during the day and poured into his dreams, which was not found in other people's poems.
Excerpted from Baidu netizens, thank you.