Now let’s talk about more reliable ancient history, starting from Yu and Xia. The Book of Documents begins with Yao and Shun, the Analects of Confucius only dates back to Yao and Shun, and the Historical Records can be traced back to the Yellow Emperor. This is indeed a cautious attitude based on Confucius and the Six Classics.
The situation in the Tang and Yu eras could never be as prosperous as recorded in Shangshu and Yaodian.
The nine palaces of Yao Dian and Yu Ting have hundreds of ministers on them, which are the prime ministers. Yu was Sikong, in charge of water management and internal affairs. Abandon Houji and take charge of agricultural affairs. Qi Situ, Sijiaohua. Gaotao was a scholar, in charge of justice and military affairs. Pay close attention to the workers and do the work. Yi Zhangyu, Si Shanze. Boyi was the Zhizong and worshiped in the Jiao Temple. Kui Dian Yue is the assistant priest of poetry and music. Long Nayan, the chief cashier, received edicts and orders, such as the Internal History of the Zhou Dynasty and the Shangshu of the Han Dynasty. Compared with the Jiuqing of Qin and Han, it is of far-reaching significance. This correct view is the Confucian approach to reforming the system based on the ancients. Otherwise, China's political system was so perfect during the Tang and Yu Dynasties, why would it have regressed two thousand years later during the Qin and Han Dynasties?
Mostly, the abdication of Yao, Shun and Yu was just an ancient system for selecting kings, which was idealized through the narration of later generations.
Tang and Yudang were two tribes in the southwestern part of present-day Shanxi.
The Tao Tang family was probably located in Pingyang, the capital of Yao in the southwest of today's Shanxi Province. A clan that specializes in kiln-burning. "Tao", "Tang", and "Yao" all refer to the kiln-burning industry. The Yu clan is a fishing and hunting clan in Shanze, and the "Yu people" are in charge of hunting and fishing in Shanze. It is slightly similar to the residence of Tao Tang family. The capital of Shun was Puban, and Yuxiang County was nearby.
The Xia people originated in the central part of present-day Henan Province, which is the so-called Central Plains of China.
Gun and Yu are also from the same clan, and their residence is located in the Songshan Mountains of Henan. It is said that "You Chongbo Gun" Chongji Songye. The Classic of Mountains and Seas "Looking south to Chanzhu, where Yu's father transformed it", Chanzhu is located in Luhun, Henan. Yu's capital was Yangcheng, Shiben. Yangcheng is at the foot of Songshan Mountain. There are also those who say that Yu's capital was Yangzhai. Yangcheng, Dengfeng, Henan; Yangzhai, now Yu County, hundreds of miles in and out. Nomadic people are accustomed to migrating, and the ancients settled in cities, but there are two or three things that are not different at the same time. Those who are collectively known as Huaxia, the Songshan Mountains also have a Chinese name.
As the Chinese saying goes, "China is in the front and the river is behind, and Luo is on the left and Ji is on the right." Hua is in Luodong, which is now Songshan Mountain. Another historical record records that there was Huayang in the Wei Dynasty, and Sima Biao said: "Huayang, the name of the pavilion, is in Mi County." Zhou Li was appointed to Yuzhou as "the mountain town of China". All are evidence.
The story of Shun also began in a place similar to the Xia clan. The Shiben "Shun lived in Guirui" was located in Xicheng County, Hanzhong. The two daughters of Shun were the gods of Xiang, and Xiang was the Xiang River, which is now the Han River. The four mountains and three mountains are called together, and they are all located in the Songshan Mountains. From then on, the Xia clan moved northward, and the three provinces of Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi intersected in Kuma, the western part of the Yellow River. It was called the "west", and hereafter it was called the "east". There are several natural ferries, which were probably the activity areas of the ancient Yu and Xia clans. Historical records show that Yu and Xia were both descendants of Zhuanxu, which shows that their bloodlines were similar. Shaokang ran to Yu, and Yu thought of his wife and gave him two Yaos. Yu, Xia or Ji, Jiang.
At that time, there was no national organization, and each tribe recommended a chief to be the leader of each tribe. That is what the minister calls "Yue Mu Xian Jian".
This is the case in Wuheng, Xianbei, Khitan, and Mongolia. Their monarchs all gradually became hereditary through selection. This can be used to view the abdication in the Tang and Yu eras.
After Yu, there was enlightenment, and now it has entered the era of hereditary kingship, and it has already reached the scale of a country. This is like the Khitan's Yelü Abaoji. After Genghis Khan in Mongolia, the position of great khan belonged to none other than the descendants of Genghis Khan. However, Kublai Khan was still promoted by Heci until Renzong began to establish his own throne.
After the Qi Dynasty, the hereditary system of the throne was established, so the Xia Dynasty was established.