The denial of God is only for some people to make excuses for their continued evil deeds. There is also a kind of person who is too proud and thinks that he doesn't need to be saved and is innocent.
We should not be jealous of sinners.
Pro 23: 15 My son, if you have wisdom in your heart, my heart will be very glad.
Pro 23: 16 If your mouth speaks righteously, my heart will be glad.
Pro 23: 17 Don't be jealous of sinners, but always fear the Lord.
Pro 23: 18 Because there must be good results in the end. Your hope will not be cut off.
Let's not waste our breath with unbelievers.
Don't give holy things to dogs, and don't throw your pearls in front of pigs, lest they trample on them and turn around and bite you.
We should sympathize with those ignorant people who are doomed to perish. They finally regretted crying, it was too late. Shouldn't we pity these people? They're pathetic.