What are the theories of literary criticism?

Okay, I will try to give you an answer with key facts and hopefully after this you will be able to understand literary theory and literary criticism theory easily.

But before discussing your question, we first discussed... What do literary theory and literary criticism mean?

Literary Theory - Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or general thinking about phenomena,

The process of contemplation and rational thinking is usually associated with processes such as observational research, research, etc.. ....

"Literary theory" is a description of the basic principles by which we try to interpret literature. It is the main body of ideas and methods we use in our practical reading of literature.

Literary Criticism: - Literary criticism gradually developed in literary theory:

Criticism: - Criticism does not mean that you criticize something and always talk about the bad aspects of a particular thing, but To be means to analyze, evaluate and tell about the negative and positive aspects of that particular thing.

After understanding literary theory and literary criticism, I will tell you here the theory of literary criticism.

So, all theories are constructed to combat the threat of chaos, and there are many theories from theorists...

Literary theory and critical theory:-

1-New Criticism:-In this theory we focus on reading the text carefully means examining the text very carefully! Use "I think" or in my opinion.

This theory was developed between 1940-1960 and is taken from John rogwe Ranson’s article…

2-Marxist Theory:-Marxism is an economic and political consciousness Form, focusing on the struggle between social classes and the replacement of capitalism with a more collective system.

This was first stated publicly in a pamphlet in the 1848 Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

3- *** Theory:- *** is a school of literary criticism and literary theory, mainly concerned with the structural process of a particular text.

It starts with two groups: Opoyoz and Acronyms.

Russian Word Meaning Poetry Language Research Society was founded in 1916.

4-Critical Theory:-. Critical theory is a social theory that seeks to criticize and change society as a whole. It aims to dig beneath the surface of social life and reveal the assumptions that keep humans from a full and true understanding of how the world works.

5-Hungerism Theory:-Hungerism theory and perspective have influenced the development of data across disciplines to understand the nature of gender inequality

It examines experiences in a variety of fields, Hobbies, household chores, and feminist politics.

Feminist theory first appeared in 1794.

6- Deconstruction Theory:

7 Postcolonial Theory:

8 Cultural Studies:

9- General Studies and Queer Theory :

Thank you!

Hopefully now you can easily understand Literary Theory and Critical Theory:-

Here I have given you some glimpses about the theories but I recommend you to have a detailed knowledge of these theories , I think you should go to Google, or you can read a book, it will help you more than anything else.

If you want to read books about these theories then here I suggest you to read MAH Ibrahim’s book on literary theory and criticism for better understanding.

I recommend this book to you because I personally read this book to understand literary theory better and in my opinion this book is one of the easiest books to understand literary theory .

I hope my point of view can help you better understand the concepts of literary theory and criticism, and one more suggestion I just want to give you, please read books, because books are one of the best sources to understand things, But yes, the choice here is yours. You are given two of the best suggestions, but you have to choose the one you like:

Thank you very much! Good luck to you too! ?