1. The green clouds are dressed in white neon clothes, and they are raising their long arrows to shoot at the wolf; Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs·Dongjun" 2. There has been a thief in Huaixi for fifty years, and the wolf gave birth to worms and scabies. Li Shangyin's "Han Stele" 3. The school captain Yu Shu flies across the vast sea, and the Chanyu's hunting fire shines on Langshan. Gao Shi's "Yan Ge Xing" 4. The governor's administration is like water, and the chief executive is as greedy as a wolf. Du Mu's "Drinking Alone in a Junzhai" 5. The White Wolf Hebei music book is broken, and the southern autumn night in Danfeng City is long. Shen Quanqi's "Ancient Meaning Chengbu Que Qiao Zhizhi" 6. Those who were guarded or bandit relatives turned into wolves and jackals. Li Bai's "The Road to Shu is Difficult" 7. Why not shoot to the west, there is a wolf star in the west. Bai Juyi's "Reply to the Arrow" 8. When the garden is about to go, it is too late, just when the wind blows. Bai Juyi's "The recruiter was drunk when the flowers in the apricot garden were falling" 9. Sitting there to cherish my broken beauty, you are not there, the wind is blowing and the moon is bright. Bai Juyi "Cherishing the Peach Blossoms in the Forbidden Night because of the Money Conception" 10. It should be noted that the eyes of birds are still difficult to miss, even if there is a wolf, it is not enough to worry. Bai Juyi's "North of the Great Wall" 11. Thin willows line the stone trench, and the safe wolf, fire, and red star are high. "To General Li An" by Bao Rong 12. The White Wolf in Hebei is miserable, and the Black Rabbit in the south is heartbroken. Cen Shen's "Reed Pipe Song at the Residence of General Pei" 13. Who knows that tigers and wolves are the opposite of justice. Chen Yuyi's "On the 22nd, I moved my boat from the white sand to make a report. This day I heard that the thieves were dead" 14. The wolf becomes thin after drinking water, and the partridges are cold when thinking about the sun. Chen Tao's "Sentences" 15. On the day of Xu, you should hunt in the west, and shoot wolves in the north without false stars. Du Mu's "Fenghe Bai Xianggong's Holy Virtue and Peace" 16. Two wolves are hanging on the ground after returning, and there are banners in the door. Du Fu's "Five Poems of Qianxing" 17. The deer's antlers are really dangerous, and the wolf's head is like a bark. Du Fu's "Dali III" 18. In the Three Qin Dynasty, thousands of warehouses were empty, and the soldiers were like hungry wolves.
Dugu and "Sending Mr. Xiangli to Jiangxi"