Is there a conflict between science and theology? Why? Interpreter explained

Science is a part of theology, and theology includes science; Science is the law arranged by God when he created everything. Science has its limitations. People often take some immature scientific arguments to deny theology, which is later proved to be wrong. Of course, people's understanding of theology is constantly improving, and people can't know God like the back of their hands now. God is in charge of everything in the world, and the miracle that the sun and the moon stop proves this.


10: 12 On the day when the LORD delivered the Amorites to Israel, Joshua prayed to the LORD and said before the eyes of Israel, "Sun, stop at Gibeon! The moon stops in the valley of Aijalon. "

10: 13 So the sun stays and the moon stops until the people take revenge on the enemy. Isn't this written in the book of Jacob? The sun stopped in the sky and didn't set quickly for about a day.

10: 14 before this day, after this day, the Lord listened to people's prayers like this, because the Lord fought for Israel.