The person known as the Seven Masters is Wang Changling. Wang Changling's courtesy name is Shaobo. Jingzhao is a man of ten thousand years. In the fifteenth year of Kaiyuan (727), he passed the Jinshi title and was awarded the title of Secretary Provincial School Secretary. Later, he was awarded the title of Sishui Wei, moved to Jiangningcheng, and was demoted to Long Biao Wei. After the Anshi Rebellion broke out, he was killed by the governor Lu Wuxiao.
The world is called Wang Jiangning or Wang Longbiao. He was a well-known poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He had friends with almost all famous poets in the world. Li Bai, Cen Shen, Meng Haoran, etc. all donated poems to him. At that time, people regarded him as the "Emperor of Poetists", and his status in the poetry world is evident from this.
Most of his poems have three themes: poems on the frontier, poems on love and palace resentment, and poems on farewell. The most famous frontier fortress poems are "Leaving the Fortress" and "Joining the Army"; the poems about boudoir love and palace resentment are represented by "Girlfriend's Grudge" and "Chang Xin Qiu Ci"; among the farewell poems, the most famous one is "Farewell to Xin Jian at Furong Tower". Comparing his own nobility with "a heart of ice in a jade pot", he is very praised by the world.
Good at writing five-character ancient poems and five- to seven-character quatrains. Qijue has the highest achievement, and the number of poems is more than 70, which is about less than half of the existing poems. The poem "Crossing the Fortress" was rated as the masterpiece of the seven unique works of the Tang Dynasty by its predecessors. Only Li Bai can compete with his achievements in Qijue. Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty discussed the seven masterpieces of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and listed two of them as "divine products". Refined language, vivid images, euphemism and subtlety are the main features of his poetry. There are more than 180 poems in existence, and "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" is compiled into four volumes.