What are some introductions about Dickinson?

Dickinson, 1830 12 10 was born in a lawyer's family in amherst, Massachusetts, and his father was a congressman. She was educated by orthodox religion since she was a child. When she was a teenager, her life was monotonous and calm. She seldom goes out and only travels once. I began to write poems at the age of 20, and most of the early poems have been lost. After 1858, she never left home. After 70, she was called "Amherst's daughter" in the history of literature. Researchers still don't understand the reason for her long seclusion.

She buried herself in writing poems in loneliness, leaving 1775 poems. Only seven poems were copied from her letters by her friends before her death and published. She was exposed to Emerson's thoughts when she was young. Emerson's view of opposing authority and advocating intuition conflicts with orthodox religious feelings, and she is in the contradiction between piety and doubt of religion. Her poems mainly show arrogant loneliness, disappointment in religious pursuit and peaceful death. , reflecting a complex psychological state. There is no date of creation in her manuscript, and the style and theme of her poems have not changed significantly during the 30 years of seclusion, so the age of her works was added by the editor.

According to some researchers' estimates, from the late 1950s to the first half of 1960s, she wrote 800 poems, and most of her best works came from this period. Her poems are novel in form, mostly adopting the traditional metrical form of Isaac Watts, the author of English religious hymns in the17th century. However, many changes have been made, such as using many dashes in her poems, which can not only replace punctuation marks, but also make the normal iambic foot rhythm suddenly fluctuate. Most of her poems are semi-rhyming, that is, they seem to have rhyme, but in fact they don't rhyme strictly. These formal innovations make her poems avoid the sweet and mellow tone in the Victorian poetry style of19th century, but have the rough beauty that many modernist poets deliberately pursue. Her poems also get rid of the direct expression or exclamation of romantic poems, and are good at using unique images and metaphors to express complex inner activities.

Dickinson also wrote many books, but most of them are like poems. She also said that her life is very narrow. Dickinson died in May 1886. Her relatives and friends published three sets of her poems at the end of 19, but they were gradually forgotten. With the rise of modern American poetry, she is welcomed as a pioneer of modern poetry, and the study of her has become a hot topic in modern American literary criticism.