The main works of Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdi

(MWV number is the exclusive number of Mendelssohn’s works) (1) Symphony

1. Symphony played by orchestra:

MWV.N .8 Symphony in D major (orchestral version of "Symphony No. 8 in D major" for string orchestra, arranged by Mendelssohn himself), completed in 1822;

MWV .N.13 Symphony No. 1 in C minor (premiered as Symphony No. 13 in C minor), Op.11, completed in 1824;

MWV.A.18 B flat major No. Symphony No. 2 (Ode) (also cantata), Op. 52, completed in 1840; MWV.N.18 Symphony No. 3 (Scottish) in a minor, Op. 56, Completed in 1842;

MWV.N.16 Symphony No. 4 in A major (Italian), Op.90, completed in 1833;

MWV.N.15 d Symphony No. 5 in minor (Reformation), Op.107, completed in 1830, published in 1868; MWV.N.17 Symphony in B flat major (unfinished, only fragments remain) , written in 1839;

MWV.N.19 Symphony in C major (unfinished, only fragments remain), written in 1845.

2. Symphonies played by string orchestra (early works, completed in 1821-1823):

MWV.N.1 Symphony No. 1 in C major, 3 pieces Movement, 1821;

MWV.N.2 Symphony No. 2 in D major, 3 movements, 1821;

MWV.N.3 Symphony No. 3 in E minor, 3 1 movement, 1821;

MWV.N.4 Symphony No. 4 in c minor, 3 movements, 1821; MWV.N.5 Symphony No. 5 in B flat major , 3 movements, 1821;

MWV.N.6 Symphony No. 6 in E flat major, 3 movements, 1821;

MWV.N.7 Symphony No. 7 in D minor Symphony, 4 movements, 1821;

MWV.N.8 Symphony No. 8 in D major, 4 movements, 1822;

MWV.N.9 C major Symphony No. 9, 4 movements, 1823;

MWV.N.10 Symphony No. 10 in B minor, 1 movement, 1823;

MWV.N.11 F major Symphony No. 11 in G minor, 5 movements, 1823;

MWV.N.12 Symphony No. 12 in g minor, 3 movements, 1823;

MWV.N. 14 Symphony in C minor, 1 movement, 1823.

3. Kindersinfonie (all lost)

MWV.P.4 Toy Symphony, written in 1828;

MWV.P. 6 Toy Symphony, the writing time is unknown;

MWV.P.8 Toy Symphony, the writing time is unknown.

(2) Overture

MWV.P.3 Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream in E major, Op.21 (1826);

MWV.P. 1 Winds Overture in C major, Op. 24 (1824); MWV.P.7 Hebridean Islands Overture in B minor, Op. 26 (1830, also known as Fingal's Hole Overture) ;

MWV.P.5 Calm Sea and Happy Voyage Overture in D major, Op.27 (1828);

MWV.P.12 Beautiful Plum in F major Lucina Overture, Op.32 (1833);

MWV.P.15 Luy Brass Overture in c minor, Op.95 (1839);

MWV. P.2 Trumpet Overture in C major, Op.101 (1826).

(3) Other orchestral works

MWV.P.14 Funeral March in a minor, Op.103 (1836);

MWV.P.16 D March in major, Op.108 (1841);

MWV.P.17 March in E flat major, writing time unknown;

MWV.P.18 March in E flat major , the writing time is unknown.

(4) Piano Concerto

MWV.O.2 Piano Concerto in a minor (for piano and string orchestra), completed in 1822;

MWV .O.5 Piano Concerto in E major (for two pianos and orchestra), completed in 1823;

MWV.O.6 Piano Concerto in A flat major (for two pianos and orchestra), Completed in 1824;

The following are concertos for piano and orchestra:

MWV.O.7 Piano Concerto No. 1 in g minor, Op. 25, completed in 1831 ;

MWV.O.11 Piano Concerto No.2 in D minor, Op.40, completed in 1837;

MWV.O.13 Piano Concerto No.3 in E minor, written in 1842 to 1844;

Note: Mendelssohn himself did not complete the Piano Concerto No. 3 in E minor. It has a partial orchestral score (only the first 11 bars of the first movement are complete, in addition to An incomplete orchestral score of 56 bars) and a draft piano score were not orchestrated by the composer himself. The draft piano scores for the first and second movements (in E minor and A minor respectively) were completed by Mendelssohn himself. The draft piano score for the third movement (in E major) was unfinished, with only 20 bars. The Italian pianist Roberto Prosseda discovered these two manuscripts in the Oxford library in 2006, and turned to Bufalini, an authoritative scholar on Mendelssohn's works, to complete them. It had its world premiere in 2007, and later recorded an album with conductor Ricardo Chailly and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.

(5) Violin Concerto:

MWV.O.3 Violin Concerto in D minor (violin and string orchestra), completed in 1822;

MWV.O.14 Violin Concerto in e minor (for one violin and orchestra), Op.64, completed in 1844;

(6) Duo Concerto:

MWV. Concerto for Piano and Violin in O.4 D minor (Piano, Violin and String Orchestra), completed in 1823.

(7) Cello Concerto: Mendelssohn wrote a cello concerto after 1844, but the manuscript was later lost.

(8) Piano and orchestra works (except concertos):

MWV.O.1 Recitative in D minor (piano and string orchestra), completed in 1820;< /p>

MWV.O.8 Brilliant Caprice in B minor, Op.22, completed in 1832;

MWV.O.9 Brilliant Variations in C minor (Duo concertant en variations brillantes, two piano and orchestra), Woo.25, completed in 1833.

MWV.O.10 Rondo Magnificent in E flat major, Op.29, completed in 1834;

MWV.O.12 Serenade in B minor with cheerful Allegro, Op. 43, completed in 1838. 1. Choral works:

Oratorios include: "Saint Paul" (1834-1836), "Elijah" (1846-1847), "Jesus Christ" (unfinished, 1847);

Symphonic cantata "Hymn" (1840, some call it the Second Symphony); nine psalms; nine motets.

2. Dramatic music:

Operas include: "The Wedding of Camacho" (1825), "The Son and the Stranger" (1829), "Loreli" (unknown) Completed, 1847); drama scores include "Antigone" (1841), "The First Walpurgis Night" (1831, 1842), "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1843), "Atalia" "(1843-1845), "Oedipus at Colonus" (1845).

3. Chamber music:

Six string quartets; three piano quartets (1822-1825); two string quintets (1831, 1845); six string quartets Quartet (1824); string octet (1825); two trios (d minor, 1839; c minor, 1845); violin sonatas, two cello sonatas (1838, 1843).

4. Piano: "Capriccio in F sharp minor" (1825); "Rondo Caprice in E minor"; six preludes and fugues (1832-1837); six episodes of "Songs without Words".

5. Organ: three preludes and fugues (1833-1837); six sonatas (1839-1844).

6. Songs and main-key choruses: ten sets of songs with piano accompaniment; eleven sets of main-key choruses.