original text
People in Yinxian County, Mingzhou, have a strong word. In the first year of Shaoxing, the above selection was given to Jinshi. Recommended by the ruling party, it is called the secretary of the province. New scholars will be endowed with Confucianism and the doctrine of the mean. If you are playing with Confucian teachings, please stop giving them. Several scholars know the origin of sacred learning, but they are not confused by what he said.
Yuan Wailang of Li Quansi and the arrangement of history museum. Face said: "The Chunqiu method is greater than the rectification. Today, the Privy Council has the title of the handle, and all the military horses belong to the commander-in-chief, so the handle of the imperial court is divided into two. It's Saturday, and the big things are long, and the small officials are still specialized. Today, everything is connected with grammar. Although the benefits are obvious, officials dare not make their own decisions and must ask the court for instructions. Therefore, the temple affairs are complicated, and the provincial Cao officials are no different from the petty officials. In political travel, if you give and are willing to refute, you will be judged by the protests in Taiwan Province. If you give up and give up, but Taiwan Province's admonishers don't think so, then you must not change. The ancestors didn't think it was too much to refute Taiwan Province's admonition, for fear that they would get wind of it and lead the court to make a difference. But this wind won't last long, and I'm afraid the power of the imperial court will be resisted in Taiwan Province. When the ancestors, they supervised the advice, made a promise, and tasted it. Today, it is called Taiwan Province official, but there is no responsibility. This is not a correct name. "
Look for a book, talk to the speaker, and be in charge of advocating Taoism. Calling for the son of the country. Imperial academy is fashionable, so it's better to learn classics before playing the Tang Dynasty. The emperor said, "Scholars have been studying poetry and fu for a long time. Can they make it work?" Lu said, "My late king set up imperial academy to teach only Confucian classics. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, poetry and fu were still used in the Tang Dynasty. At the beginning of God, he created poetry and fu with the help of Confucian classics, but he didn't consider enough talents. Therefore, the word is set as a discipline. Today, it is advisable to focus on Confucian classics, supplemented by poetry. " The emperor was born. So the article has flavor. Its method is based on Six Classics, Yu and Meng, followed by poetry and fu, history analysis and current affairs strategy. Based on this method, imperial academy imperial examination and county imperial examination established county imperial examination system to supplement Chinese studies and supervise students. ZTE has a post-school system and established many schools.
He also said that at the beginning of the school, it is advisable to be old to lure backward. It is suggested that Fan Wei, a Quanzhou literature teacher, delete the records about Guo Zi. Fan Wei, a native of Meishan, is proficient in the study of Chunqiu, and Lin Liqi is also the highest, so I recommend him as the first. After the new study, there are 6 thousand makeup testers. Please come to the table. So the emperor was glad for imperial academy, and Qin Yi held scriptures, talked about Yi Tai's divination, and gave him three clothes. Hearing this, Hu Yin criticized the book and said, "Adults are the first teachers of Confucianism, and they cannot establish a great theory. The principle of tomorrow's people is to flatter ministers and hope to achieve the goal of peace. It's no big deal to dominate the sky and ignore people! I will sweep the ground all my life. "
Liu Shaozong studied under Cheng Yixue. In the last years of Xuanhe, wine was the sacrifice and Lu was the life. Hu Anguo visited the capital and was called Lu. In addition to assistant minister does, the emperor asked whether Zhang Jiucheng was safe. Tomorrow, he will ask again, and, Zhong Cheng, will bear the order, and know the narration of the state. If he doesn't go, he will die. At first, Qin Gui tried to get Fu Yao to propose to her and resign. His works include Chunqiu Zhuan.