By investigating the Garden of Eden before human crime, we think: If people get rid of sin and return to God's order and mind, what is the abundance prepared by God?
"Eden" has the meaning of abundant water, luxury and comfort, so this garden is also called "paradise". Even in the Greek version of Volume 70 of the Old Testament, the word "paradise" is used to translate the Hebrew word "garden", which shows how charming the beauty of the Garden of Eden is.
Where is this garden? The Bible tells us that "the Lord God has set up a garden in Eden in the east". 2: 10- 14 says that the Garden of Eden is in the middle and divided into four rivers. Tigris River and Euphrates River are two rivers around Mesopotamia, but the location of Bassin River and Jixun River is unknown, but what we know is that this garden is really set on the ground. This garden is full of beauty, where is it reflected?
God wants to live with people. Some hermeneutics believe that the earth is not only created by God, but also the residence of God. This thought reached its peak in John's Revelation about a new heaven and a new earth: "Look, God's tent is on the earth, and he will live with people, and people will be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God "(Rev. 2 1:3). Some hermeneutics experts pointed out that the Garden of Eden is the sanctuary of God and the place where God is with him. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they were expelled from the sanctuary and lost the presence of God.
When God created Adam, God said, "We should create man in our image and style" (Gen 1:26). God made man out of dust, just like a scene where a skilled Potter made various utensils out of clay, but the difference is that God "blew life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul" and blew this action out. John 20:22: Jesus breathed on them and said, "You have received the Holy Spirit". Jesus breathed on his disciples and gave the Holy Spirit, which also symbolized the birth of the "church".
God created many creatures, but only man has the spirit of God. The spirit of God means the glory of God. God made Adam manage everything on the earth and have the status of king. The spirit of God means that Adam can be watered by the Holy Spirit, and God gives Adam the status of priest.
Before man was created, the earth was barren and uncomfortable. "There is no vegetation in the field, the vegetables in the field have not grown, and the Lord God has not rained on the ground …", and all this happened after God created man. It can be seen that God values people most and arranges for them around their needs, such as:
A, people have artistic aesthetic needs: God makes all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, which can please people's eyes.
People need food: the fruit on the tree is good food.
C. People need friendship: God sees that he needs help. "The Lord God said that it is not good for that man to live alone, so I will make a spouse for him to help him", so he made Eve for him.
God created the Garden of Eden for the purpose of placing the people he created. God is like a father. The way the father treats his son is growth-oriented and training-oriented. God built all the "infrastructure", but he knows how to give people the freedom to explore and grow. What is God's "educational idea"?
"God put this man in the Garden of Eden to repair and protect him." The Garden of Eden is like a garden, a beautiful place and a refuge given by God. God wants that man to repair the guard, and repair is to clean up and take care of it. Some people think that work is a punishment for people's crimes, but here we see that work is not the result of crimes, but should be an unshirkable responsibility of people. It's just that later people committed crimes and thorns came out of the ground, and the work was even harder. In the Garden of Eden, Adam was not only a gardener, but also a security guard.
"Spouse" means "a person who adds strength to each other's shortcomings". It is worth noting that the Bible emphasizes helping others, not comparing strengths and weaknesses, but "fitting and cooperating" with Adam, which is neither a copy of "liking him" nor a restriction on him. God's will for people's marriage is that "people should leave their parents and be one with their wives, and the two will be one", and monogamy is God's design for marriage. People have to leave their parents. Although ancient men would move out to live near their father and inherit his father's land after marriage, this poem means that people should put the interests of their wives above those of their parents in terms of order.
In verse 2: 17, God gives people the first command: You shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because you will die on the day you eat it. There are all kinds of fruits in the garden, but this one is not edible. There is a kind of interpretation of "distinguishing the fruit of the tree of good and evil" as "the moral experience of good and evil": if people obey God's command and don't eat the fruit of this tree, then the experience of obeying God's word is good; But if people disobey God's command, disobey God and deviate from the right path, it is evil. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and vice versa.
1. What do you know about Eden?
2.20 19 what is our spiritual goal?