His last words were: "if you work hard, you won't know when you die." For 300 years, you have harmed the country and hanged people eight thousand miles away. Autumn wind sword lonely minister tears, sunset flag general altar; The dusty atmosphere overseas is still there and it is not appropriate to wait and see. "
Li Hongzhang was a tinker in the Qing Dynasty, and he had to do many things. He initiated the Westernization Movement with the intention of supporting the national economy through these movements. He walked in front of the times and knew that it was difficult to maintain the Qing Dynasty, but he still supported it by his own strength. He is loyal to his country.
He also engaged in beiyang fleet, hoping to rely on the fleet to prevent foreign invasion, learn from Zeng Guofan and exercise himself. He is a civil servant, but he is a soldier. He has all these things.
He sent his children to study in the United States, hoping to learn more advanced scientific knowledge and let these talents revitalize the country.
It is said that he is also the biggest backhoe digger. Where there is an unequal treaty, he will sign it there. It is actually very dangerous for him to negotiate and argue with others. He went to Japan and was shot. But he went anyway. For the country, he is willing to be scolded and willing to do it, but there is nothing he can do.
He is as old as he is, but he is old. He has been mending the broken ship of the Qing Dynasty. Liang Qichao commented on Li Hongzhang: "I respect Li Hongzhang's talent, I cherish Li Hongzhang's knowledge, and I mourn Li Hongzhang's experience. Li Hongzhang is a hero. "
When Li Hongzhang was born, his talent was not sealed in any dynasty. It's a pity that he can't give up this wrecked ship in the late Qing Dynasty. Of course, he also completed his mission. Do what he can.
In fact, not only Cixi, but also Li Hongzhang, finally I couldn't help crying. "Young people don't understand Li Hongzhang, but they know the truth from his generosity." .